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1. Выделите герундий в активной/пассивной форме.

1ing, being 2ing, having 3ing, have 4ed, has been 5ing, having been 6ed, of 7ing, to have been 8ing, 9ing, having been 10ed, to 11, to 12ing, 13ed, have 14ing, having been 15ed.

2. Дайте русский эквивалент речевых отрезков, учитывая форму герундия в действительном/страдательном залоге:

1. to avoid making mistakes.

2. to deny not having done the work.

3. excuse my coming here so late

4. to forgive his interfering..

5. to go on making a presentation.

6. to keep insisting on her continuing the project.

7. to stop conducting the research.

8. not to mind consulting an expert.

9. could not help trying again.

10. can not put off doing these calculations.

3. Найдите сходства и различия в подчеркнутых структурах. Дайте русские эквиваленты предложений:

a. He does not like being told what to do.

Telling the truth helps everybody.

b. He likes being asked for his expert advice.

The initial difficulties of asking for the necessary information were overcome.

c. He was charged with having committed plagiarism.

Committing a bill always leads to difficulties.

d. He was afraid of being informed about system failure.

Informing the team on time leads to a more effective work.

e. Not knowing what to do, they stopped the process.

I know every research in the field that is worth being known.

f. There is no hope of his finishing the project on time.

I called him to say about my having completed the project.

4. Найдите герундий, назовите его признаки и дайте русские эквиваленты предложений.

  1. The user selects the commands by simply looking at the blinking arrows on the screen.

  2. Using video cameras, the robot studies its surroundings before planning its movements.

  3. This new method shakes up conventions, but is definitely helping children to learn better, because at this age touching is one of their most developed senses and comes naturally.

  4. Apple had initially been accused of infringing on six patents for iPhone-related technology covering everything from reducing signal noise to programming the device’s touch screen so a user’s head does not accidentally activate it while talking on the phone.

  5. The potential is boundless, according to some educational specialists, they see it as a way of providing students in the developing world with access to the international educational ladder.

  6. This rapidly expanding method is catching on, but with a high drop-out rate is it really up to replacing the on-campus experience?

  7. Conceptually it’s possible for you to organise your life in such a way as you can move around all the things you might want to do without having to stand in a queue line, and you can do that from your sitting room.

  8. I don’t think we are going to see education becoming nothing but playing digital games, but I don’t think you can do education with just one method.

  9. So they are wanting to find an egg, help it to hatch and look after it so that the creature can grow, which transfers to real life nurturing skills such as looking after a pet or young children at home.

  10. Learning from playing computer games is not only for school children. In Germany lots of different people benefit from games, including students, people with special needs and even adult professionals.

11. After all, the concept – creating flexible electronics and assembling them on equally flexible plastic – has been touted since the 1960s, when the first flexible solar cell arrays appeared.

12. Controlling the TV without a remote would eliminate the need to look for it.

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