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англ.книга 3 курс экономика и бух.учет .doc
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IV. Make up your own examples with the usage of the vocabulary

For example: to remind - напоминать

I reminded my brother to water the flowers but he didn’t do it!

V. Read and translate the dialogue The Interview

Mr. Banning – the teacher of advertising in the Columbia University

Miss Swanson – young reporter of the Columbia University Press

Miss Swanson: Hello, Mr. Banning! How do you do?

Mr. Banning: Hello, Miss Swanson! Good day!

Miss Swanson: Mr. Banning, you teach the art of advertising to the students of this faculty for many years. What do you like the most in your job?

Mr. Banning: I find my job very exciting because I deal with young minds and that’s always very pleasant. It’s funny that nowadays we have to teach how to advertise. Not so many years ago we didn’t do it but the notion of advertising has already existed.

Miss Swanson: How do you think when did the very first advertisement appear?

Mr. Banning: I believe that happened when a shopkeeper or stall-holder tried to show and shout his goods to passers-by. And early forms of advertising were signs like a sign of the inn or shop.

Miss Swanson: How interesting! Why do you think the role of adverting began to grow?

Mr. Banning: I think that happened because there was the expansion of population and the growth of towns with their shops and large stores; mass production in factories; roads and railways to convey goods; and popular newspapers in which to advertise. The large quantities of goods being produced were made known by means of advertising to unknown customers who lived far from the place of manufacture.

Miss Swanson: Did the media anyhow influenced on advertising?

Mr. Banning: Absolutely! Advertising grew with the development of media, such as the coffee-house newspapers of the seventeenth century, and the arrival of advertising agencies nearly 200 years ago, mainly to handle government advertising.

Miss Swanson: And today, the modern world depends on advertising every day!

Mr. Banning: I agree with you. Without it, producers and distributors would be unable to sell, buyers would not know about and continue to remember products or services, and the modern industrial world would collapse. If factory output is to be maintained profitably, advertising must be powerful and continuous. Mass production requires mass consumption which in turn requires advertising to the mass market through the mass media.

Miss Swanson: Thank you for such a great interview, Mr. Banning

Mr. Banning: You are always welcome, Miss Swanson! Have a great day!

VI. Play out the dialogue between Mr. Banning and Miss Swanson grammar: Participle II

Причастие II – третья основная форма глагола, имеет одну неизменяемую форму со страдательным значением и обозначает действие, которое испытывает на себе лицо или предмет. Оно соответствует в русском языке причастию страдательного залога.

Причастие II правильных глаголов образуется при помощи прибавления суффикса –ed к основе глагола to ask – asked, to help – helped;

Причастие II неправильных глаголов образуется другими способами: to write – written, to tell – told.

Причастие II употребляется для образования:

  • страдательного залога

EXAMPLE: Houses nowadays are built quickly.

Сейчас дома строятся быстро.

  • перфектных форм

EXAMPLE: I have known Jerry for 4 years.

Я знаю Джерри уже 4 года.

Причастие II обладает свойствами глагола, прилагательного и наречия. Как и глагол, оно обозначает действие. Причастие II может служить определением и употребляться самостоятельно или с зависимыми от него словами.

EXAMPLE: The broken vase was on the floor.

Разбитая ваза лежала на полу.

Причастие II употребляется в функции:

  • определения:

EXAMPLE: A written letter is in my bag.

Написанное письмо лежит в моей сумке.

  • обстоятельства:

EXAMPLE: When given time to think David always answered well.

Когда Дэвиду давали время подумать, он всегда хорошо отвечал.

  • часть сказуемого:

EXAMPLE: Lisa looked astonished.

Лиза выглядела удивленной.

Jack has just learned this grammar rule.

Джек только что выучил это правило по грамматике.