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8. Контрольная работа № 5


Для успешного выполнения контрольной работы № 5 студенту следует повторить следующие разделы английской грамматики:

  1. Видо-временные формы английского глагола действительного и страдательного залогов.

  2. Неличные формы глагола. Независимый причастный оборот (The Absolute Participle Construction).

  3. Сложное подлежащее (Complex Subject) и сложное дополнение (Complex Object). Употребление и способы перевода на русский язык.

  4. Условные предложения (Conditional Sentences). Употребление и перевод на русский язык.


Задание, подлежащее письменному выполнению, для студентов экономического факультета

I. Письменно переведите абзацы 1, 2, 4, 5, 6 текста.

Marketing (marketing - маркетинг, торговля, сбыт)

Methods and Advertising (advertising – реклама)

1. Marketing is known to be a rather new science. In a market of multiple choice, it is no longer sufficient to produce a product and show the customers that it satisfies one of their basic needs. You must show them it provides benefits other products fail to provide, that it can be supplied at a competitive price and above all, supplied reliably. But in this fast changing world, competitors appear to catch up more quickly than ever. It makes you be ahead of your competitors to be a success. Preferences that consumers have for this or that product work for shorter and shorter periods. Choice makes marketing work.

2. Before selling the goods, one must do a lot of market research first. The information needed can be obtained from specialized consultant companies, from trade associations and trade journals. The information you are interested in is if there is any demand for your goods, what the market potential (the market potential - емкость рынка) is, what sort of competition you will meet.

3. But in general marketing covers not only market research, but also planning the selection (assortment) of goods, price policy, advertising and promotion of sales. So marketing is a system of running all the business (to run a business - вести дело) activities of a company (organization) in respect of coordinating supply and demand for the goods produced. Originally marketing w as meant to help avoid overproduction in advanced countries. As defined by the committee on definitions of the American Marketing Association, marketing is “the performance of business activities directed toward and incident to the flow of goods and services from producer to consumer or user.”

4. Today discovering demand, managing demand, and physically supplying demand constitute the three major divisions of Marketing effort undertaken by many firms. Marketing management approached this status in the 1950's when the General Electric Company (the General Electric Company - компания Дженерал Электрик) enunciated a new policy declaring that “marketing begins with the consumer”.

5.The key concept of market selection and product planning is the Product Life Cycle (Product Life Cycle - жизненный цикл изделия). It predicts that any product passes through various stages between its life and death (introduction - growth - maturity - decline). So companies can make better marketing decisions if they find out where each of their products stands in its life cycle.

6. Everyone considers advertising to be an important means of promoting the goods. Advertising attempts both to inform customers of a product or service and to persuade them to purchase it. There are specialized firms dealing with advertising and many different types of advertising appearing in a wide range of places. The cost of advertising varies directly with the expected size of audience. Firms are sure to take

account of costs and the type of audience they are trying to reach (to reach - зд. привлекать, устанавливать контакт) when selecting methods of advertising.