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I. Устно переведите следующий текст. Дайте письменный перевод абзацев 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 и 8 текста.

The Music of England

1. The earliest English music worthy of serious attention is known to be a “rota” or round (“rota” or round – хоровод) in the Wessex dialect, Summer Is Icumen In (Summer Is Icumen In – “Лето пришло”, старинная английская хоровая песня). This remarkable 13th-century composition, with its flowing melody and complex structure, is considered to be an example without parallel in early music.

2. In the 16th century, under Tudors (the Tudors - Тюдоры, династия Тюдоров (1485--1603), период Реформации, усиления англий-ского абсолютизма, централизованной власти), music began to be cultivated as an art, and Elisabeth (Elisabeth - Елизавета I (1558--1603)) was generous in patronizing the composers of her time. Keyboard instruments were to be found in the homes of the nobility. They considered the ability of singing at sight to be a necessity for a gentleman of that period.

3. Even after Elisabeth's death, the Elisabethan school continued to flourish. About the middle of the 17th century, the first real English opera, The Siege of Rhodes (The Siege of Rhodes – “Осада Родоса”, первая английская опера, написана композиторами Г.Лоусом, Г.Куком, Дж.Хадсоном и Ч.Колменом), was produced in London. In 1659 Henry Purcell was born. Educated at the Chapel Royal (the Chapel Royal - придворная капелла; королевская капелла), he became organist at Westminster Abbey (Westminster Abbey - Вестминстерское аббатство, королевская церковь в Лондоне; место коронации англ. монархов; в ней похоронены многие выдающиеся люди: И.Ньютон, Ч.Дарвин и др.), and composed for church, stage and keyboard instruments, but his greatest work was the opera Dido and Aeneas (Dido and Aeneas – “Дидона и Эней”, опера Г.Перселла, (1658?--1695), напис. в 1689 г. на сюжет “Энеиды” Вергилия).

4. The 18th century, especially the second half of it and the first half of the 19th century appeared to be undistinguished periods of English musical history. The musical life in Britain was under the influence of foreign music. The music of Handel, who came to London in 1710 and became naturalized, and Mendelssohn had been held as the only example to be followed and English musicians mostly copied the style of these great musicians.

5. But the second half of the 19th century sees striking changes on the musical scene. An atmosphere was being created which allowed the genius of English composers to flourish. The main honour must be paid here to the Crystal Palace (Crystal Palace – Хрустальный дворец (выставочное здание, построенное в 1851 году в Гайд-парке в Лондоне)) and August Manns, the conductor of its Saturday concerts. For many years he introduced one English composer after another to a fame which they would have found it hard to gain without his help.

6. The comic operas of Sullivan set a new standard for light music. Parry and Stanford contributed music of value, but the dominating figure was Edward Elgar whose music, much of which became known through performances at music festivals, includes two symphonies, The Enigma Variations (The Enigma Variations - вариации на ориг. тему “Энигма” (1889)), and The Dream of Gerontius (The Dream of Gerontius – “Сновидения Геронтия”, оратория на текст поэмы кардинала Ньюмена, впервые исполнена в 1900 г.). His experience in writing church music is to be regarded as a great contribution into the movement of developing the more artistic and sensuous side of religious music - a thing which took place in all European music at the link of the two centuries.

7. English musical life in the first two decades of the 20th century flourished as never before. Apart from the formation of the London Symphony Orchestra, large concert orchestras were to be found in other towns, and a number of opera companies were active. Large choral societies were established in many cities and towns, and the competitive festival movement was growing.

8. The most distinguished English composer since Purcell is surely Benjamin Britten, who became the first musician to be made a Life Peer. The performance, at Saddler's Wells in 1945, of his opera Peter Grimes (Peter Grimes – “Питер Граймс”, опера Б.Бриттена (1913-1976)) established him, and the tenor Peter Pears whose singing inspired many of Brittens finest works, as international figures. In 1947 Britten founded the English Opera Group, for the performance of chamber operas. Although he wrote fine orchestral and instrumental music, Britten was predominantly a vocal composer. One of his most significant works is the War Requiem (War Requiem – “Военный реквием”), written for the consecration of Coventry Cathedral in 1962.

II. Подчеркните пунктирной линией все случаи употребления герундия в тексте (5).

III. Выпишите из текста существительные с левыми и правыми определениями, выраженными неличными формами глагола (Participle I, Participle II, Gerund, Infinitive). Полученные пары разместите соответственно в два столбца.


flowing melody (P.I); the ability of singing (Ger.)

IV. Найдите в абзацах 1, 2, 4 и 5 текста инфинитивные обороты: сложное подлежащее (Complex Subject) - 3 примера и сложное дополнение (Complex Object) - 3 примера. Подчеркните обороты волнистой линией.


V. Опираясь на текст, переведите на английский язык следующие группы слов:

Музыка, достойная серьезного внимания; хоровод; замечательное произведение; сложная структура; клавишные инструменты; петь с листа; процветать; непримечательный период; находиться под влиянием; поразительные перемены; легкая музыка; музыкальная жизнь страны; привести к славе; церковная (духовная) музыка; хоровое общество; самый выдающийся композитор этого периода; камерная опера; значительное музыкальное произведение; композитор-вокалист; оркестровая музыка; современники композитора; старинная музыка; музыка получила развитие как вид искусства.