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К.р. Английский язык.doc
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I. A) Преобразуйте общий вопрос в специальный, используя данные вопросительные слова.

1. Do they live near here? / ............................. Where do they live? .............................................

2. Did you see her last Friday? / When ...........................................................................................

3. Will Peter help you? / Whom .....................................................................................................

4. Can Henry speak French? / What language .................................................................................

5. Does he smoke? / Why ..............................................................................................................

II. B) На основе данных предложений составьте предложения с глаголом в повелительном наклонении, начиная с Don't.

1. You shouldn't touch that. It's very hot. / ..................... Don't touch that. ....................................

2. She's very tired. I hope you won't wake her up. / Please ..............................................................

3. He'll be in a hurry. You mustn't keep him waiting. / .....................................................................

4. You mustn't bother me now. I'm much too busy. / .......................................................................

III. Перепишите предложения, поставив существительное во множественное число. Внесите соответствующие изменения.

1. A train is much quicker than a bus. / ..... Trains are much quicker than buses. .......................

2. A lion is a dangerous animal. / ...................................................................................................

3. A computer is an expensive piece of equipment. / .......................................................................

4. A woman tends to live longer than a man. / ...............................................................................

5. A child waits for you. / ..............................................................................................................

6. A dish and a knife are in the cupboard. / ....................................................................................

7. I hate to hear a baby crying or a dog barking. / ............................................................................

IV. Подберите необходимую форму артикля (a/an или the). Переведите предложения 4 и 6 на русский язык.

1. I wrote ........... a .......... .......... long letter to Jenny this morning.

Did I show you ............ the ........... letter I got from Paris this morning?

2. London is ......................... biggest city in Britain.

Manchester is ....................... big city in the north of England.

3. My uncle was ......................... dentist before he retired.

Arthur Brown is .......................... dentist who lives next door to my parents.

4. It's not easy to learn ............................ foreign language which is very different from your own language. 


Japanese is certainly ..................... most difficult language I tried to learn. ...................................


5. Agatha Christie was ......................... well known writer of detective stories.

Agatha Christie was ............................. writer who invented Hercule Poirot.

6. She watched ......................... man go into a jeweler's shop, a little later .................. man came running out with a gun.
