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6. Read and translate the following dialogues.


- Have you heard the latest news?

- No. What’s happened?

- Why, Brown has got engaged. He fell in love with a girl he met at the Robertsons’. You know her. It’s Jean O’Brian.

- Oh, yes, I remember her. But Brown! Well, I never thought he would never get married! Marry broke their engagement a few days before their wedding. And he was becoming a regular old bachelor.

-Well, let’s hope he’ll have better luck this time than last.

-Let’s. Jean is a nice girl and she will make her husband happy. When is he getting married?

- Next Thursday, at the Registry office. And after the wedding they are off to Scotland for a honeymoon.


- Well, Sam, I’ll tell you how it is. You see, I married a widow, and this widow had a daughter. Then my father, being a widower, married our daughter, so you see my father is my son-in-law.

- Yes, I see.

- Then again my stepdaughter is my stepmother, isn’t she? Well, then her mother is my grandmother, isn’t she? I am married to her, am I not? So that makes me my own grandson, doesn’t it?

*7. Read the passage below. Sally is describing her relationship with people in her family. Match the underlined phrase with the best definition opposite.

a. I look like my dad.

b. I take after my mum.

c. I get on (really) well with my cousin, Jake.

d. I’m very close to my twin sister, Karen.

e. I have a lot in common with my brother, Will.

f. I’m (a bit) like my Aunt Gillian.

1. I have a similar personality.

2. I have inherited some of her characteristics.

3. I have a very good relationship.

4. We share similar interests.

5. I have a similar appearance.

6. I have a deep, strong relationship.

*8. Now use the underlined phrases in the exercise above to best describe the following relationships.

a. John and Rob really enjoy each other’s company, because they both love playing football, talking about cars, and going out.

John and Rob have a lot in common.

b. Claire has lots of friends, but if she has a problem to solve or a secret to share she always tells her cousin, Sue, first. They grew up together, and can trust each other completely.

c. My Aunt Rose has the same long nose and high cheekbones as my mum. People often mistake her for her sister.

d. My nephews, Paul and Colin, are both very talkative and outgoing.

e. My mum tells me that I get my fiery temper and stubborn nature from my granny.

9. There are many idiomatic expressions in English to describe family relationships. Divide the phrases into two groups: people are similar, and people are different.

We’re as different as chalk and cheese.

We’re like two peas in a pod.

We get on like a house on fire.

She’s the spitting image of her mother.

I have little to do with her.

You just can’t tell them apart.

*10. Translate the following sentences into Ukrainian.

1. Минулого року Ганна закохалася у симпатичного хлопця. Вони мають багато спільного, ніколи не сваряться та часто виходять разом. 2. Батьки Джона одружилися багато років назад, але рік тому вони розлучилися. 3. Кейт часто закохується і часто розриває стосунки зі своїми хлопцями. 4. Мій тато постійно контролює мене, тому що любить та піклується. 5. Мій кузен заручений. Він збирається одружитися, але спочатку хоче досягти успіху в кар’єрі. 6. Моя бабуся старіє і ми повинні піклуватися про неї.

*11. Get ready to discuss the questions below.

Whom do you take after? In what ways? Is there anyone in your family that you get on really well with? In what way? Apart from your close family, do you keep in touch with any distant relatives? Tell your partner about your family.

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