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Word Study

1. Give derivatives of the following words. Use the dictionary.

Advertisement, own, to require, to depend, necessity, relaxation, responsible.

2. Give Ukrainian equivalents of the following.

To find the rows of houses, to find these evenings very restful, to look at the advertisements, to buy their own houses, to live in one of the suburbs, to catch the morning train up, to run down the side of the house, tended to be draughty, to save the energy, to keep their houses warm, to keep in first-class condition, to require plenty of hot work, to be not dependent on the greengrocer, to be responsible for the upkeep of their homes, necessity, household repairs, to settle down for the evening.

3. Give English equivalents of the following.

Ремонт житла, вимагати багато важкої праці, визнавати, що ці вечори повні відпочинку, добиратися ранковим потягом, бути схильними до протягу, утримувати город у першокласних умовах, заощаджувати тепло, бути незалежним від купівлі овочів, знайти ряди будинків, стригти газонокосільною машиною, тримати свої будинки у теплі, жити в одному з передмість, подивитися рекламу, вести (спускатися) вбік будинку, купувати власні будинки, необхідність, вмоститися для проведення вечора.

4. Fill in the gaps with the words from the Vocabulary Notes in the appropriate form.

necessity keep advertisement require save own suburb draughty cut find catch up

1. This bungalow … the household repairs. 2. I wanted to rent a flat so I bought a magazine to look at … . 3. They should … the morning bus to the village. 4. Many English families live in the … . 5. My friend’s family bought their … house. 6. I … in order to … the money you should be not dependent on greengrocer. 7. Every month he … grass lawn with lawn-mower near the house. 8. Nowadays to have all modern conveniences in the house is a … for most people. 9. My parents try to … our house in first-class condition. 10. Last year they installed double glazing windows because the previous ones tended to be … .

5. Fill in the gaps with the best suited word combinations in the appropriate form from those given below.

1. You'll catch cold … with no coat on. 2. All the girls … the new attractive student. 3. He was so unhappy that he tried … from school. 4. In his younger days he … some very undesirable types. 5. The dog … the visitor and bit him. 6. His family line … to the Conquest. 7. I opened the door and the cat … . 8. Months … , and still there was no letter. 9. Lots of people … to see what had caused the noise. 10. He … Jim for assistance. 11. The price of houses … all over the country. 12. The land belonging to the castle … to the sea.

(to run down, to run about, to run in, to run away, to run after, to run on, to run back, to run with, to run at, to run out, to run to, to run up)

*6.Use a word or a word combination of the Vocabulary Notes instead of the italicized parts; make all necessary changes.

1. The Johnsons are a large family. They live in the house which belonged to their grandparents and now belongs to them. 2. I discovered them tidying their room. 3. They took train to London. 4. There was no need for you to rent this flat. 5. Nick had to put aside some money to buy a suite of furniture. 6. My grandparents maintained their house during the winter. 7. Many families are answerable for house keeping.

*7. Translate sentences into English using words and word combinations from Vocabulary Notes.

1. Щоб знайти житло, ви повинні купити газету та подивитися оголошення. 2. Утримання великого будинку у першокласних умовах вимагає багато часу та важкої праці. 3. Сім’я Браунів живе у передмісті Лондона. 4.Мої батьки вирощують овочі, щоб не купувати їх (бути незалежними від купівлі). 5. Ганна змушена була заощаджувати гроші для того, щоб зробити ремонт у квартирі. 6. Необхідністю для молодих людей є власне житло та хороша робота.

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