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5. Break up the text into several parts. Give a title to each. State the main idea of each part. Word Study

1. Give derivatives of the following words. Use the dictionary.

To represent, to propose, to increase, suitable, borrowed, prosperous, to associate, to decide.

2. Give Ukrainian equivalents of the following.

To get married, customs and superstitions, to protect against bad luck, to obtain their parents’ consent, to bring good fortune, to exchange engagement rings, to pay most of expenses, to be booked a year in advance, to be a chief bridesmaid, up to aisle, to play an important part, wedding, a suitable outfit, a flower buttonhole, prosperous future, to ensure future wealth, to increase chances, to symbolize the fidelity.

3. Give English equivalents of the following.

Належне вбрання, весільна квітка, приносити удачу, символізувати вірність, захищати від негараздів, обмінюватися весільними обручками, оплачувати основні витрати, замовляти за рік наперед, бути за дружку, весільна церемонія, до вівтаря, діставати згоду батьків на одруження, відігравати важливу роль, заможне майбутнє, збільшувати шанси, звичаї та забобони, одружуватися.

4. Fill in the gaps with the words from Vocabulary Notes in the appropriate form.

prospective expense obtain omen accept stag

average budget borrowed reception beloved prosperous

1. Her … groom ensured her a … life. 2. An … British family consisits of a mother, a father and two or four children. 3. Nowdays the bride’s and groom’s families share … for the wedding. 4. Her … … her parents’ consent. 5. Marry … his marriage proposal in a few days. 6. John’s friends arranged a … night for him. 7. We met at the wedding … . 8. Ann had a … brooch at her wedding. 9. They had to reduce their household … . 10. There were some bad … connected with wedding.

5. Fill in the gaps with the best suited word combinations in the appropriate form from those given below.

1) The box is made so that you can … the handle. 2) It was against the children's sense of honour to … their friends to the teacher. 3) I'll … the apples so that we can each have one. 4) Jim and Mary have been quarrelling so much recently that their friends are afraid they might … .

( split up, split off, split on)

*6. Use a word or a word combination of the Vocabulary Notes instead of the italicized parts; make all necessary changes.

1. An usual wedding in Britain costs £10-12,000. 2. The future groom had to obtain his parent’s consent. 3. Young couple was very happy this day. 4. Bridesmaid helps bride during wedding party. 5. The bad sign was to see a blind man, a monk or a pregnant woman during their jour­ney. 6. They share their lives. 7. These entire facts guarantee the long and wealth future.

*7. Translate sentences into English using words and word combinations from the Vocabulary Notes.

1. Молодята повинні були дотримуватись всіх звичаїв та забобонів. Це символізувало їхнє спільне щасливе майбутнє. 2. Заручини зазвичай відбуваються за кілька місяців до весілля. 3. Наречена та наречений – головні особи на весіллі. 4. Парубоцька вечірка - це одночасно веселе і сумне свято. 5. Вибір вбрання для нареченої зазвичай займає багато часу. 6. Багато звичаїв з’явилось ще у дохристиянські часи. 7. Вірність важлива у подружньому житті. 8. Як правило, весілля не є дешевим святом і потребує великих витрат.

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