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7. A) Learn British and American monetary units.

British monetary units:

£1 – one pound (pound sterling); £25 – twenty-five pounds (pounds sterling_); (from Latin – libra)

1s.(one shilling) = 1/20 of a pound; 12/- - twelve shillings;

1d. (one penny) = 1/12 of a shilling; -/8 – eightpence;

2d. – twopence ['tApqns];

2s.6d. – two shillings and sixpence;

£25 12s.8d. ; £25.12s.8d.; £25/12/8d/; £25:12:8d; £25-12-8 - twenty-five pounds twelve shillings and eightpence (twenty-five pounds twelve and eight).

American monetary units:

$1 – one dollar

1C – one cent =1/100 of a dollar

$25.01. – twenty-five dollars and one cent;

$3, 350.55 – three thousand three hundred and fifty dollars and fifty-five cents.

b) Write the following:

£38; 9s.; 5d.; -/2; 13/-; 17s.3d.; £62/15/3; $70; 48C; $350.19.; $34 578.12;

8. Fill in the words given below.

Customers discount purchase cash-desk prices gifts receipt

in fashion shirt counters shop-window queues cash fur

1. There are big supermarkets which consists of many __ . 2. When customers choose everything they need they join one of the ___ past the __. 3. He went along the street and looked into the __ of the boutique. 4. Pedro was wearing a dark green tie over his cream ___. 5. Lucille likes buying the most expensive __ coats made of mink. 6. If you want to return the suit you must bring the ___ with you as a proof of purchase. 7. If you do not have ready __, you can always buy the goods on hire-purchase. 8. These suits are ___ now. 9. ____ are very increased these days. 10. People enjoy shopping in the supermarkets because they can make all their ___ under one roof. 11. Blackwolls in Broad Street provides the ____ with any new book that is in print. 12. If one wants to buy presents and ___, he is sure to find them in Little Claredon Street. 13. Some stores always sell goods at a ___ .

9. A) Read and act the dialogues.

b) Make up the dialogues based on the models using underlined words and as many words as possible dealing with the topic "Shopping''.

1)- What can I do for you?

- I want a pound of butter.

- Anything else, madam?

- How much is a pound of bacon?

- We have some at 5s. a pound.

- Can I have 2 lbs?

- Certainly, madam.

- Thank you very much.

- You are welcome.

2) – Could you do me a favour?

- Which one?

- To choose a present for my father.

- Willingly. What are you going to buy?

- I was going to buy him a book. I went to the bookseller’s, but I couldn’t find anything of interest there.

- Why not go to the department store? We can kill two birds with one stone: you will buy a present for your father and I shall buy a camera for myself.

- Agreed. What would you choose if you were me?

- If I were you I should choose something of haberdashery, say, a tie or gloves.

- Oh, no, that is not what I want.

- And what do you say to a wallet? Or, maybe, a shaving set or a fountain-pen.

- As far as I know he needs none of them.

- I see you are hard to please. Well, it seems to me I have an idea. Why not buy him a silver tie-pin?

- That’s a good idea, indeed. Come along.

3) – Yes madam. Can I help you?

- I’d like high-heeled pattern shoes. My size is 37.

- Here is a pair of your size. How do you find them?

- But they are made of suede. I don’t like shoes made of suede. I’d like leather shoes.

- Madam, suede is in general wear now.

- Really? Let me try them on.

- Do they fit?

- No, they are a bit tight.

- I think they will give a little.

- Will they?

- I am sure, madam.

- How much are they?

- They cost $50. It’s not much for such fashionable shoes.

- I share your opinion. OK, I take them.

- I think you will not be sorry.

*10. Read the dialogue. Retell the story how the lady was buying a sweater for her husband in the narrative form.

Bashford: I always choose my husband's clothes very carefully. He dresses very well.

Salesman (politely): Yes, madam, I'm sure. Now, you said a size 38, didn't you? Something like this perhaps? It's a good enough sweater.

Mrs. Bashford: Perhaps, but I don't really think it's good enough for my husband. Haven't you anything better?

Salesman: Better than this, madam? (laughing nervously a bit) Well, uh ... there's this grey sweater.

Mrs. Bashford: I don't think I like that shade of grey. It's not dark enough.

Salesman: I see, you want something darker than this, ... like this, perhaps?

Mrs. Bashford (thinking): Hmm... you know, I don't really think I like

grey at all. It's too... dull.

Salesman: I see. Now this green sweater is brighter than the grey one.

Mrs. Bashford: No. I don't like green, either.

Salesman: Well... let me see... there's this red sweater.

Mrs. Bashford: Good Heavens, no. My husband never wears red. It's too bright.

Salesman (confused): So you want something darker than the light grey, brighter than the dark grey but not as bright as the green or the red sweater?

Mrs. Bashford: Exactly. And please hurry up. I really haven't much time.

Salesman: Something like this blue sweater?

Mrs. Bashford: Blue... hmm... yes, I think I like that. How much does it cost?

Salesman: 20 pounds.

Mrs. Bashford: 20 pounds! Good Heavens! Haven't you anything... anything... uh...

Salesman: Cheaper than this, madam? Only this other blue sweater. It

costs 8 pounds.

Mrs. Bashford: Now that's exactly what I'm looking for. That's much nicer than all the others. Why didn't you show it to me before?

Salesman (angrily): But I did, madam. It was the first one you saw.

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