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  1. Explain what the modal verbs denote in the following sentences.

1. People shouldn’t feel helpless. Something ought to be done. 2. But dearest Frances, you must have seen girl like that a hundred times. 3. You may still change your mind. 4. Don’t talk so loudly. I can hear you quite well. You mustn’t talk like that here. 5. I may be totally uneducated, but at least I can make bread and butter. 6. You shouldn’t spend the winter in London with that cough in your chest. 7. You can’t apologize just by saying “I apologize”, not in that tone.

2. Make the following sentences interrogative and negative.

1. They can understand me. 2. Polly could go there. 3. You can stay here for some time. 4. She could drink a lot of cold beer very well. 5. Peter can help me now. 6. He could answer all the questions how to cook this dish. 7. She can fry the piece of pork. 8. They could talk to him for me. 9. Peter can speak German. 10. She can do it for you next week. 10. You must eat more protein-rich food to be stronger. 11. She must prepare supper by seven o’clock. 11. Brian had to stay home all the day. 12. You should eat more meat. 13. I need some cream to cook this pastry.

3. Complete the sentences using should, must or to have to.

1. She ... be arriving in some hours. 2. He ... go home at nine because his father is waiting for him. 3. You ... try to find a new job. 4. Mother insisted that I ... have a meal. 5. Don't you think he ... ask before taking my book with­out asking. 6. There are no planes today, so I ... to go by train. 7. He ... never say that again! 8. They ... book the tickets if they want to go to the con­cert. 9. We think you ... tell your parent you will be late. 10. He ... do what he says. 11. Do you think she ... tell my parents what happened? 12. You ... have a favourite pupil.

4. Complete the sentences using may, might, or can, could.

1. He … not find his cookbook last night. 2. … I come and see you tomorrow? 3. She said that she … be late. 4. You … stay in our house if you like. 5. I tried to see someone in the darkness but I … not. 6. Father said that I … swim well enough. 7. … I join you in the evening? 8. You … take this job. 9. You … not believe. 10. … you pass me juice, please? 11. They … not help us because they were abroad. 12. We … not imagine him without his motorbike.

5. Transform these sentences using need.

1. It is necessary for him to eat more cheese and eggs. 2. I bought milk but it was not necessary. 3. Why does she want to cook this immediately? 4. It was not necessary him to work in this project. 5. It is not necessary for him to do it today. 6. There is no reason for you to worry about them. 7. It is necessary for him to leave the city. 8. I drink a glass of milk every day because it is necessary.

Topic II. Medicine and Health

Unit 1. Glossary

medicine ['medsIn]- медицина, ліки

a hospital – лікарня

a policlinic - поліклініка

health ['helT]- здоров’я

advice - порада

to advise - радити

an aspirin - аспірин

lozenges ['lOzInGIs]/tablet – таблетки

drops краплі

vitamins - вітаміни

aid - допомога

blood [blAd]– кров

blood pressure ['preSq] - кров’яний тиск

lungs - легені

heart [hRt]- серце

mouth ['mauT]- рот

tongue ['tAN]- язик

chest - грудна клітка

kidney ['kIdnI]- нирка

illness/disease [dI'zJs]- захворювання

appendicitis [qpendI'saItIs]- апендицит

quinsy ['kwInzI]/a sore throat [Trout]- ангіна

infectious - інфекційний

be run down - бути перевтомленим

abscess ['xbsIs]- абсцес, нарив

headache ['hedeIk] - головний біль

flu - простуда

a cold – грип

to catch a cold - застудитися

toothache ['tHTeIk]- зубний біль

sunburn - сонячний опік

travel sickness - нудота у дорозі

food poisoning ['pOIznIN]- харчове отруєння

indigestion ["IndI'GestSn]- розлад шлунку

backache - спинний біль

stomach-ache - біль в животі

hiccup ['hIkAp]- ікота

a mosquito bite [mqs'kJtqu 'baIt]- укуси комахами

sprained/twisted ankle - розтягнута щиколотка

temperature - температура

cut finger - порізаний палець

cough [kOf] /whooping ['hHpIN] cough – кашель/коклюш

measles ['mJzlz]- кір

pain - біль

short-sight - короткозорість

long-sight - далекозорість

complication - ускладнення

pneumonia [nj(H)'mqnjq]- запалення легень

scarlet fever ['skRlIt'fJvq] - скарлатина

chicken pox ['tSIkInpOks]- вітрянка

earache ['IqreIk]- біль у вусі

nausea ['nLsjq]- нудота, морська хвороба

running nose - нежить

blood-poisoning ['pOIznIN]- зараження крові

treatment ['trJtmqnt]- лікування

ointment ['OIntmqnt]- мазь

sleeping-draught [drRft]- снодійне

mustard plasters ['mAstqd"plRstq] - гірчичники

X-ray ['eks'reI]- рентген, знімок

tests - аналізи

bandage ['bxndIG]- бинт

injection - ін’єкція

thermometer [Tq'mOmItq]- термометр

cotton - вата

consulting-room - кабінет лікаря

patient ['peISqnt]- пацієнт

lie down - постільний режим

call the doctor - викликати лікаря

gargle ['gRgl]- полоскати

trouble - турбота

ambulance ['xmbjulqns] /first-aid - швидка допомога

recovery [rI'kAvqrI]- видужання

doctors - лікарі

therapeutist ["Terq'pjHtIst]- терапевт

surgeon ['sWGqn]- хірург

childrens doctor - педіатр

dentist (stomatologist ["stOmq'tOlqGIst]) - стоматолог

oculist - окуліст

ear, nose and throat specialist - лор

cardiologist ["kRdI'OlqGIst]- кардіолог

to avoid/to get rid of - позбутися

to keep oneself fit - бути в формі

to consult a doctor – звертатися до лікаря

to have a thorough ['TArq] examination – добре обстежитись

to strip to the waist - роздягнутися до пояса

to listen to one’s heart and chest - послухати серце і легені

to feel the pulse - поміряти пульс

to take the temperature - поміряти температуру

to suffer from - страждати від

to need attention - потребувати уваги

to write out a prescription [prIs'krIpSqn]- виписати рецепт

to prevent - попереджати

to feel much better - почувати себе багато краще

to stay in bed - залишатися в ліжку

go to the chemist’s ['kemIsts]- піти в аптеку

to be on diet - бути на дієті

to be ( to have one’s tooth, chest, heart, etc.) X-rayed - робити рентген (зуба, грудної клітки, серця)

to fill smb’s tooth - пломбувати зуб

to have a heart attack - мати серцевий напад

to be in good health - бути здоровим

Unit 2. Vocabulary Practice

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