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The Fitness Craze

Janice: So when are we going to get together to finish off this report?

Debbie: Well, I’m free most of the week. On Tuesdays and Thursdays I have my fitness class, though.

Janice: Fitness class! How do you find the energy? After a day in here , I’m too bushed for anything but supper and TV.

Debbie: But I find that getting a good work-out a couple times a week actually makes me feel more energetic. You should try it.

Janice: What kind of class is it?

Debbie: Aerobics – it’s fun, a lot of dance-type steps.

Janice: Dance? I’ve got two left feet – I can’t dance.

Stuart: (joining the conversation) Don’t worry about it , Jan . I’m no Fred Astaire myself. When I first started aerobics I felt pretty self-conscious, but everybody’s too busy huffing and puffing to notice anyone else.

Janice: You take aerobics, too! What is this – an epidemic?

Debbie: Sure, haven’t you heard? Everyone’s getting into the fitness craze- especially young and elderly and all that jazz. Why don’t you come and try out my class? They have a drop- in free if you’re not a regular.

Janice: I don’t know about this. Where is this class anyway?

Debbie: It’s at the community center near my place.

Janice: Is that where you go too, Stu?

Stuart: No but I go there on my Lunch hours.

Janice: Where will I get the gym leotards, though?

Debbie: I just wear a T- shirt and sweat pants. And you need to have a good pair of runners. How about coming to my place after work tomorrow? We can go to the class and then work on the report afterwards.

Janice: I suppose I might as well jump on the bandwagon, as they say. But it’ll probably kill me.

Stuart: No sweat. Just take it easy the first night.


bushed – (slang) tired, exhausted

work-out – intense exercise session

to have two left feet ­– (idiomatic) to be clumsy, unable to dance

Fred Astaire – well-known American dancer

self-conscious – uncomfortably aware of one’s own appearance and actions, embarrassed in front of other people

huffing and puffing – (colloquial) breathing hard

craze – fad, strong interest

all that jazz – (slang) and everything else

leotards – tight-fitting dance and exercise clothes

to jump on the bandwagon – (idiomatic) to join in on what everyone else is doing

no sweat – (slang) no problem.


1. Where could this conversation be taking place?

2. Can you find the pun (play on words) in this dialogue?

3. What is your favorite way to keep fit?

4. Change the dialogue so that Debbie is trying to persuade Janice to go jogging or swimming. Practice dialogue variations in pairs.

11. A) Read, translate the following expressions and make up the sentences of your own.

1.to be dead (pretty) tired; to work one's fin­gers to the bone (= to work very hard); to be ready to drop with fatigue; to be sick and tired of staying in the town (city); to be fed up with working (studying); to have a tiresome day (week); to work like a horse;

2. to have intention of spending a quiet weekend; to make plans for weekend; to dream of; to relax; to get everything arranged; to make arrangements; to be in a habit of doing smth.; to enjoy watching TV programmers (listening to the wireless, music); to be a stay-at-home (= to be a home bird): to catch up on doing one's house­work (studying, working); to have a get-together; to visit relatives and friends; to make merry; to have ones fun; to be overflowing with joy; to spend time in the open air; to go hiking; to take a stroll (walk); to take the air; to go for a breather; to go to the cinema (theatre, disco, night club, etc.); to go shopping; to buy food in "take-away" and “fast food” shops; to do a round of shops (museums, exhibitions, etc.); to entertain at home;

3. to be refreshed; to be filled with vigour for work (studies); to be full of emotions, to feel relaxed; to look forward to.

b) Fill in the appropriate phrases (words) given above.

1. After my trying week I ___, and ready __.2. I’m __ with my studying, so I __a quite weekends. 3. My sister is a __, so every weekend she stays at home and __housework. 4. As a rule, I try to spend most of time____. 5. Some people prefer to go to the country to ____. 6. They are fond of picnics chiefly because they have an excellent opportunity to admire the beauty of nature and __. 7. On Sundays I and my friends ___ and we like to have a chat and __. 8. My friends buy food ___and __at home we___TV or ___the music. 9. After my weekends I’m __ and __for studying. 10. But free time flies very quickly on weekends, and the next Monday morning comes, and I __to my next days off.

*12. Fill in the missing words.Translate the sentences.



going out










days off








1. The beauty of a ____is that it can be held in almost any outdoor place with any number of people. 2. There are various _____activi­ties in which people are engaged. 3. British workers typically get four weeks paid ____a year. 4. Nearly 25 per cent of all overseas_____ are spent by the British in Spain. 5. The average British watches _____ 26 hours a week. 6. There is nothing like sitting round the _____in the evening or sleeping in a tent with the trees whispering above it. 7. In summer my friend and I ride our bicycles to some desolate _______and stay there for the whole day swimming and sunbathing. 8.________is usually permitted only during specially designated seasons. There are usually limits on how many wild animals or birds a hunter may kill. 9. I am in a habit of cooking something special for Sunday___________. 10. Weekend flashes past and we usually look forward to our next___. 11. Other regular _______include listening to the radio and to recorded music. 12. Those who stay at home at the weekend try both to relax and catch up with all the _____they are too busy to do during the week. 13. In Britain on Saturday afternoon the most important sporting _____ of the week take place — football, rugby, horse-racing, car and motorcycle racing, etc. 14. Sunday evenings are the favourite times for parties, dances, going to the movies or theatres, in fact for_______gen­erally. 15. Having gone to bed late at night on Saturday, many people have a _______on Sunday morning. When they finally get up they have leisurely breakfast. 16. In Britain Sunday has always been a favourite day for inviting people — friends, relatives, colleagues — to the after­noon tea, and there are no signs that this_______is losing popularity nowadays. 17. Leisure should be refreshment; it should send a man out with fresh _______to battle with the problems of life. 18. Some people are completely passive during leisure hours. If such people go out they go to some places of _____where no effort is required by them. They should go to the cinema or theatre, to the disco or night-club. 19. I am a workaholic and work very hard. That is why I feel pretty tired after tire­some week, and I am just ready to drop with_______. 20. The old no­tions of quiet leisurely walks as enjoying "free time" belong to the past. Playing sports, going to the gym, jogging have become so popular that most Americans are involved into these_______.

*13. Write down your plan for the coming weekend. Make sure you’ll follow your main pursuits.

*14. Translate the following sentences.

Існує багато способів проведення вільного часу. Багато людей проводять свій вільний час в дома, дивлячись телевізор, слухаючи музику, читаючи літературу, займаючись своїм хобі чи розважаючи друзів. Ті люди, які важко працюють протягом тижня, мають намір провести спокійні вихідні і не планують чогось особливого. Деякі люди втомлюються від міста, тому вони зацікавленні у проведенні свого вільного часу на свіжому повітрі. Вони ходять в походи чи просто прогулюються, щоб подихати повітрям. Домосіди зазвичай стараються надолужити всі свої справи або просто розважитись вдома. Молоді люди, які стомились від навчанням мріють відпочити, зібравшись разом, та повеселитись. Після вихідних вони почуваються відпочившими, сповненими емоцій та повними сил для навчання. Більшість з них з нетерпінням чекає наступних вихідних.

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