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1. Pizza

Pizza is one of the most popular foods in the United States and is, in fact, a genuine American invention despite its close association with Italy. A pizza is basically a round piece of dough, covered with a layer of mild cheese and spicy tomato sauce, along with one or more top­pings such as sliced fresh mushrooms, sausage, olives, and onions. It is freshly baked, cut into pie-shaped wedges with a sharp knife and served hot. Each person helps himself to a piece and eats it with his fingers.

2. Hot Dog

It is a small sausage of finely chopped and seasoned meat. Through the years, the Hot Dog has become a favourite with grown-ups and children in America. Its great popularity is due to the convenience in its preparation. Without much effort this tasty meal can be prepared for large crowds at big sport events or at sidewalk food stands. This sausage is served hot in a long, soft roll, with mustard, relish, etc.

The Hot Dog was originally called that by the U.S. cartoonist Tad Dorgan in 1909. As the story goes, he was covering a baseball game in New York City. Deadline was approaching, and Dorgan needed a car­toon idea. He watched shivering fans snap up hot sausage sandwiches. Suddenly he had an inspiration. He drew a cartoon of barking sausages wrapped warmly in rolls. He wrote: "hot dogs". The name caught on. Now hot dogs are one of the nation's most popular foods.

*12. a) Read the article carefully and answer these questions according to the information in the text.


1. Why should we eat lots of different types of food?

2. What happens when we eat our food too fast?

3. When we want a snack, why is it better to eat fruit rather than sweets?

4. Why should we avoid eating pasta before exercising?

5. Why is it a good idea to eat pasta after exercising?

Food! Glorious food!


If you eat junk food day after day - like hamburgers and pizzas - you won't feel satisfied (and you won't be as healthy)! Our nose and mouth are extremely sensitive to flavour, the smell and even the temperature the food we eat. We need to stimulate all these senses by eating a wide variety of really tasty foods. So, start experimenting! Instead of your usual boring junk food, why don't you try a crisp mixed salad, with a blue cheese dressing? Or a spicy vegetable soup with fresh bread? [1] Whatever you choose, the important thing to try something different and give your taste buds a treat.


Always make time to sit down and eat you meals at the table instead of gobbling them down on your way from A to B. This way, you won't eat so much. Even the way you chew your food is important. If you eat in a hurry and don't chew your food properly, you often end up eating more than you really need. Your mouth has lots of nerve endings that send message to your brain. [2]

If you eat your food too fast, your brain misses the signal, it doesn't realize that you've eaten anything. As a result, you'll want to carry on eating.


Cut out sugary snacks like biscuits, sweets and cake -they're bad for your mind and your body! Your body absorbs sugar very quickly, so eating sugary foods can give you an immediate sense of energy and well-being. But it doesn't last long, unfortunately. [3] So why eat foods that will make you feel high and then low? Just give them up! Instead, have a piece of fresh fruit when you need to increase your energy level quickly. You’ll feel much better. Jane Clarke also advises eating more foods that contain protein, like fish, chicken and eggs, and strongly recommends pulses, such as beans and peas. Protein-rich foods are satisfying and nutritious and can give you the same happy feeling as sugar.


Take more exercise! When you start exercising, you'll need to eat the right food at the right time to help you keep going. Jane Clarke warns: “We're often tempted to fill up on foods that are full of carbohydrates, such as pasta, bread and rice. [4] The problem is that these foods make you relax, which is fine if you only eat a little bit. However, if you eat too much, you'll end up feeling sleepy. And this is definitely not a good idea if you're going for a jog!


When you exercise, you need to be wide awake and alert. The best plan is to eat lots of protein along with fibre-rich fruit, vegetables or salad. [5] And when you've finished your workout, eat carbohydrates to get back the energy which your body used up during exercise.

b) The following sentences have been removed from the text. Look at the gaps in the text and decide where they fit. Look for expressions in the sentence before or after the gap that mean the same as the underlined phrases.

A Foods like these will give you high energy levels.

B That “happy feeling is usually followed by a “mood crash”.

C This signal is important because it will let you know when you are full.

D But this is a temptation you should resist!

E These suggestions may not appeal to you if you hate lettuce or can't stand hot food.

c). How many different kinds of foods can you think for these categories?

Food that is good for you Food that is bad for you

*13. a) Complete the following sentences using idioms below. Translate the sentences.

To have a sweet tooth, to salt away smth, as hungry as a wolf, to play knife and spoon, on a diet, to drink deep, to wine and dine, plate dinner.

1. Lucy is getting too heavy. She’ll have to go … . 2. Both being very hungry, they … . 3. Oh, there you are! I was beginning to wonder what happened to you. I’m … . 4. Mary … some extra candy for use during the holidays. 5. Martin eats tarts all the time. He must … . 6. His wife wants to divorce because he … . 7. Ann is a good hostess, she likes … her guests. 8. This restaurant proposes … .

b) Make up the sentences of your own using the idioms given above. Make sure that all of them are clear to you.

*14. Translate the following sentences into English.

а) Мій чоловік обідає о першій годині. Він не приходить на обід додому, він обід в їдальні.

Із усіх супів він надає перевагу грибному супу. Він любить також капусняк і гороховий суп. На друге він звичайно бере якесь м’ясне блюдо, оскільки він не любить риби. Якщо подають відбивні, то він бере відбивну з картоплею. Якщо відбивних не подають, то він бере біфштекс.

Мій чоловік не любить солодкого. Він нічого не бере на солодке, він віддає перевагу фруктам.

в) - Що ми маємо на обід сьогодні? Пахне смачно.

- Капусняк з м’ясом та сметаною на перше, біфштекс з товченою картоплею на друге.

- А як щодо закуски та десерту? Нічого?

- Чому нічого? Оселедець з салатом на закуску та торт на десерт.

- Це добре. Ти хороший повар.

с) - Пора накривати на стіл, гості прийдуть через годину.

- Я уже накриваю. Я уже поставила тарілки, поклала ножі і виделки. А де наші серветки?

- Я не пам’ятаю, думаю в серванті. Не забудь поставити сільничку, перечницю, гірчичницю та хлібницю.

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