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3. Choose Participle I or Participle II.

1. Who is the girl (doing, done) her task on the blackboard?

2. The book (writing, written) by him is not very interesting.

3. The translation (doing, done) by me was very easy.

4. The (loosing, lost) keys were not found.

5. The (loosing, lost) team will not get the prize.

6. I don't like the video (buying, bought) yesterday.

7. Do you know the boy (coming, come) towards us?

8. We like the songs (singing, sung) by this singer.

9. The (singing, sung) woman is his wife.

10. The question (discussing, discussed) at the meeting was very important.

4. Open the brackets and put the verbs into the Present Participle or Past Participle.

1. (to sell) fruit, he looked back from time to time, hoping to see his friends. 2. (to do shopping), she went for a walk. 3. (to sell) all flowers, she went to see her parents. 4. (to eat) all the potatoes, he drank a cup of tea. 5. (to talk) to her neighbour at the market, she didn’t notice how a thief stole her money. 6. (to buy) some juice and cakes, we saw our friends. 7. (to do) all that was required, he was the last to leave the supermarket. 8. (to finish) her shopping, she seemed more pleased than usual. 9. I spent about 10 minutes (to look for) necessary vegetables. 10. (to return) from the market, she began cooking dinner.

5. Open the bracket using Present Participle or Perfect Participle.

1. (to write) out all the new words, I started to learn them.

2. (to live) in Kyiv, he was able to see all the ancient monuments.

3. (to hear) my friend's voice, I left the room to open the door.

4. We went home, (to look) through the documents.

5. (to drink) coffee she was talking to her friend.

6. (to go) down the street, the boy was looking back from time to time.

7. (to throw) the ball, the little girl ran home.

8. I think that the man (to stand) there is her father.

9. (to buy) food, they left supermarket.

10. (to know) French well the pupil can translate this text.

11. She entered the room (to smile).

12. (to see) the stranger the dog began barking.

13. (to bark) dog doesn't bite.

14. (to find) the keys, we were able to open the door.

6. Open the bracket using Present Participle or Perfect Participle.

1. Не walked down the road (to sing).

2. (to enter) the room I recognized him at once.

3. (to put) on the coat, she ran out of the house.

4. The man (to teach) math at their school studied in Odessa.

5. (to translate) into a foreign language the story lost all its charm.

6. (to come) home she found nobody there.

7. He woke up (to think) of his parents.

8. ( to be) a woman of taste she always dresses well.

9. (to translate) seven articles, he decided to have a break.

10. You can make mistake (to judge) people by their appearance.

11. (to be) very tired, she soon fell asleep.

12. The boy went in, (to carry) his case.

13. While (to discuss) this problem, we sat on the window sill.

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