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_Методичка3 курс.doc
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  1. Do you know these words?

(1) to contend, (2) to follow, (3) to give, (4) to lack, (5) to behold, (6) to pretend, (7) to detect, (8) to conform, (9) to wear, (10) to change, (11) to leave, (12) to em­brace, (13) to be in front rank, (14) to cause, (15) to offer, (16) to follow.

  1. Ranslate into English:

  1. ніхто не сперечатиметься; (2) слідувати моді; (3) давати радість; (4) не вистачає розумових і моральних якостей; (5) пильно спостерігати за модницями; (6) вони вдають, що не можуть визначити; (7) визначити тонкі відмінності; (8) слідувати загальноприйнятим виставам; (9) що не носять; (10) чоловіча мода змінюється повільно; (11) переставати слідувати старій моді; (12) приймати нову моду; (13) бути на найпереднішому краю моди; (14) змусити всі погляди звернутися в її сторону; 15) пропонувати винагороду; (16) охоче слідувати моді.

  1. Read the word-combinations, find them in the text, use them in your speech:

1. delightful detail of human life

чудова деталь людського життя

2. was lacking in any great mental or moral quality

не вистачає прекрасних розумових і моральних якостей

3. fashion has given joy in age after age

мода приносить радість людям різного віку

4. to the women who are thus up-to-date in their costume

жінкам, одяг яких відповідає сучасним вимогам

5. to the men who behold them

чоловікам, які пильно спостерігають за ними

6. is one of amused tolerance

Це терпиме відношення з відтінком приємного здивування

7. a dress that is hopelessly out of date

плаття, що безнадійно вийшло з моди

8. what is and what is not worn

що носять і що не носять

9. in the very front rank of fashion

на найпереднішому краю моди

10. Fashion is an arbitrary mistress

Мода – це владна пані

4.Read text a Fashions, translate it:

Fashion is an entirely unnecessary and yet delightful detail of human life. No one could contend that a person who did not follow the fashion was lacking in any great mental or moral quality; yet to be in the fashion has given joy in age after age, not only to the women who are thus up-to-date in their costume, but to the men who behold them.

As a rule, men's attitude towards women's fashions is one of amused tolerance. They pretend that they are unable to detect the nice distinctions between the latest model from Paris and a dress that is hopelessly out of date. But they are in reality just as eager to conform to the popular idea of what is and what is not worn.

But men's fashions change slowly, and men, unlike women, like to be the last to leave an old fashion rather than the first to em­brace a new. They have no desire either, that their womenfolk should be in the very front rank of fashion. It would make them embarrassed to be seen in public with a woman who was wearing something which caused every eye to be turned upon her. But they like their wives to be dressed as most other women are dressed.

Fashion is an arbitrary mistress to whom most women are slaves, but though her commands are often unreasonable and not sel­dom absurd, she is followed willingly, for the reward she offers is that sense of adventure and variety which is the spice of life.