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Build Your Own ASP.NET 2.0 Web Site Using CSharp And VB (2006) [eng]-1.pdf
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Chapter 13: Security and User Authentication

The method that lets you sign out current users is the FormsAuthentication class’s SignOut method. You could call this method in the Click event handler of a Sign Out button, like this:

Visual Basic

Sub Logout(s As Object, e As EventArgs)




void Logout(Object s, EventArgs e) { FormsAuthentication.SignOut(); Response.Redirect("Default.aspx");


As you can see, the SignOut method is used to clear the authentication cookie. The next line simply redirects the user to the home page.

ASP.NET 2.0 Memberships and Roles

The ASP.NET 2.0 team made a big step forward by implementing common functionality that previously needed to be coded from scratch for every new web application. This functionality includes a membership system, which supports the management of customer accounts, login forms, user registration forms, and so on, and is divided into several layers, which can each be extended or modified to suit your needs.

In particular, this new membership system offers a rich set of login controls, which you find in the Login tab of the Toolbox in Visual Web Developer. That’s right—you can add a form for the creation of new user accounts simply by dragging a CreateUserWizard control into a web form! ASP.NET 2.0 makes implementing many such features extremely easy, but in order to take full advantage of these controls, we’ll need to learn about the framework on which they’re built.

Creating the Membership Data Structures

ASP.NET 2.0’s membership system stores user profile data, including membership and personalization information, in a structured data store consisting of a set of tables, views, and stored procedures. We’ll call these membership data structures, although that name doesn’t take into account the complete range of data they contain.


Creating the Membership Data Structures

To manipulate this data, Visual Web Developer provides the ASP.NET Web Site Administration Tool, which lets you add and edit users and their roles, and perform other administrative tasks.

We can use two procedures to create the necessary data structures. The first option is simply to open the ASP.NET Web Site Administration Tool, and click the Security tab. When you do this for the first time, the Web Site Administration Tool will create a database called ASPNETDB in the App_Data folder of your Web Application. This database will consist of two files: ASPNETDB.MDF (the database file) and ASPNETDB_LOG. LDF (the database log file).

Let’s give this a try. With the Dorknozzle web site project loaded in Visual Web Developer, select Website > ASP.NET Configuration. This will load a page like that shown in Figure 13.3.

Figure 13.3. The ASP.NET Web Site Administration Tool


Chapter 13: Security and User Authentication

Figure 13.4. The Security tab

Click the Security tab to access the page shown in Figure 13.4.

At this point you can open the Dorknozzle\App_Data folder, where you’ll be able to see your new database files, as Figure 13.5 indicates.

The ASPNETDB database is what's called a User Instance database, whose files are stored locally inside your application’s folder. User instance databases are new to Microsoft SQL Server 2005; they allow you to access database files without attaching them to a SQL Server instance. These databases can easily be copied or transferred, and your application can connect to them as needed.

The new ASP.NET 2.0 login controls, the ASP.NET Web Site Administration Tool, and a number of related classes are able to access the ASPNETDB database


Using your Database to Store Membership Data

Figure 13.5. The ASPNETDB database files

automatically, without any configuration. Should you need to access this database through your own code (for example, to customize the data structures), you can do so using the special connection string LocalSqlServer.

There are two things you need to be aware of when using the ASPNETDB database:

Although User Instance databases were designed to be easy to move between systems, you can’t always easily upload them to a hosting server.

It will often result in your application having to work with two databases.

In our case, the Dorknozzle site would need to use both the ASPNETDB database and our old friend, the Dorknozzle database. Whether this is a wise choice or not depends on the specifics of your project, and whether your site’s other data structures need to relate to the membership data of your users.

Fortunately, you have the option to create the necessary data structures within your existing database.

Using your Database to Store Membership Data

In many cases, it’s more beneficial to store the membership data structures in your own database than in the default ASPNETDB database. Indeed, for the purposes of our application, it would be preferable to keep that data inside the existing Dorknozzle database. This way, when we launch the project, we’ll need to


Chapter 13: Security and User Authentication

transfer only one database to the production machine, rather than having to migrate two separate databases.

In order to use your database to store membership data, you need to complete two tasks:

Create the necessary data structures in Dorknozzle.

Edit Web.config to specify the new location of these structures, overriding the default configuration that uses the ASPNETDB database.

You can use a tool that ships with ASP.NET 2.0, aspnet_regsql.exe, to customize the data store and add the necessary structures to your own database. This tool can be executed at the Windows command prompt, where you can include various parameters to instantly configure it for your database; alternatively, it can be run in Wizard mode, allowing you to set those options one at a time. To execute the tool, first open a SDK Command Prompt window from the Start menu

(Start > All Programs > Microsoft .NET Framework SDK 2.0 > SDK Command Prompt). At the command prompt, type aspnet_regsql.exe and hit Enter.

The wizard should open with a Welcome screen, where you’ll just need to click

Next. In the next window, which is shown in Figure 13.6, you can choose between adding the data structures to an existing database (or to a new database that can be created for you), or removing the data structures.

Leave the first option selected and hit Next—you’ll see the dialog shown in Figure 13.7. Here, you’ll need to tell the wizard which server and database you want to connect to in order to create those structures. The Server should be LOCAL\SqlExpress (where LOCAL is the network name of your current machine), and the

Database should be Dorknozzle.

Using Remote Servers

You can enter any local or remote server into the Server field. You might use this tool to configure a remote server, for example, when choosing to move the application from your development machine to a remote production machine. In that case, you’d need to select SQL Server Authentication and supply the username and password provided by the server’s administrator.


Using your Database to Store Membership Data

Figure 13.6. The SQL Server Setup Wizard

Figure 13.7. Selecting the Server and Database


Chapter 13: Security and User Authentication

Click Next, and you’ll be asked to confirm the data you’ve entered. Hit Next again, and expect a delay while the tool finishes setting up the database for you.

When it’s done, click Finish to close the wizard; then, when aspnet_regsql.exe finishes executing and a new prompt is displayed, you can close the SDK Command Prompt window.

More on aspnet_regsql.exe

You can customize or automate this process by supplying parameters to the aspnet_regsql.exe program at the command prompt. For example, instead of running the wizard using the steps above, you could have executed this command at the SDK Command Prompt:

aspnet_regsql -S LOCAL\SqlExpress -E -A all -d Dorknozzle

To have the tool connect using SQL Server Authentication instead of the integrated Windows Authentication, you’d use a slightly different command:

aspnet_regsql -S LOCAL\SqlExpress -U username -P password –A all -d Dorknozzle

Keep in mind that you can also use this tool to configure a remote database, in which case you’d need to mention the remote server address and database instance name instead of the local machine name and local SQL Server instance name.

If you executed the commands shown above, the output would look like that shown in Figure 13.8.

Figure 13.8. Using aspnet_regsql.exe at the command prompt


Using your Database to Store Membership Data

Once your database is ready, you’ll need to modify Web.config to configure a new connection string named LocalSqlServer, which points to your database. As we mention earlier, this is the default connection string used by the built-in controls and tools that need access to the membership data.

LocalSqlServer definition in machine.config

Should you ever want to see or modify the default definition of the LocalSqlServer connection string, you can find it in the file \Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\version\CONFIG\machine.config.

The machine.config file contains default machine-wide settings, which can be customized by each application’s Web.config file. Here’s the default definition of LocalSqlServer; this snippet also shows you how to connect to a disconnected database, such as ASPNETDB:


<add name="LocalSqlServer" connectionString=" data source=.\SQLEXPRESS;

Integrated Security=SSPI; AttachDBFilename=|DataDirectory|aspnetdb.mdf; User Instance=true"



Modify Web.config so that it removes the default LocaSqlServer connection string, then redefines it with the same connection data as DorknozzleConnectionString:

File: Web.config (excerpt)


<add name="Dorknozzle" connectionString="Server=localhost\SqlExpress;

Database=Dorknozzle;Integrated Security=True" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient"/>

<remove name="LocalSqlServer"/> <add name="LocalSqlServer"

connectionString="Server=localhost\SqlExpress; Database=Dorknozzle;Integrated Security=True"

providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" />
