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I. Translate into English:

1) Лондон є важливим адміністративним, промисловим, науковим і культурним центром. 2) Англія славиться своєю історією і красою. 3) Англія поділяється на 55 адміністративних графств. 4) Лондон, як і Рим, будувався не один день і оглянути його за один день неможливо. 5) Англія відома своїм типовим приморським кліматом з тривалими дощами. 6) Здається, у вас є можливість подивитися визначні місця Лондона.

II. Make up a dialogue using the following expressions:

For the first time, to see the sights, places of interest, Westminster Abbey, memorial to Admiral Nelson, the House of Parliament, Downing Street, places associated with, not far from, dates back to, financial and business center, Poet's Corner, to be heavily industrialized.

III. Complete the following dialogue:

A: Excuse me, I am a stranger in London. Is it possible to see anything of London in

a day or two?

B: ...

A: What do you think I ought to see first?

B: ...

A: How long will it take me to get there?

B: ...

A: Thank you very much.

B: ...

IV. Read, translate and title:

Why is this bell called "Big Ben"?

When the great bell was cast in London foundry in 1858, the question of its name was discussed in Parliament. One member said, "Why not call it Big Ben?"

There was much laughter among the members because the man in charge of public buildings was Sir Benjamin Hall, a very tall, stout man whose nickname was "Big Ben".

From that time the bell has been known as Big Ben. The bell is 7 foot 6 inches high, and 9 foot 6 inches across the mouth. It weights 13 1/2 tons (about the same as two double-decker buses). "Big Ben" is the name of the bell only - not the clock, and not the tower.

V. Read and dramatize the dialogue:

A: I think Tower comes among the historical buildings of London. The Great

Central Keep or White Tower dates from 1078. Tower was a fortress once, it was

a palace, it was a prison and even a royal zoo.

B: And what is it today?

A: It's a museum now; nine hundred years of history are behind of its gates. One of

the Tower's traditions is the ravens. The English believe these birds guard

Britain. The museum guards still wear the costumes of the Middle Age. They are

called Beefeaters. And what about St.Paul's Cathedral?

B: It's the greatest of English churches. It was built between 1675 and 1710 by the

famous English Architect Sir Christopher Wren to replace the old Cathedral that

was largely destroyed in the Great Fire (1666). It's a really beautiful sight! It

stands out among the others buildings.

VI. Choose the right variant:

1) a. Westminster is the residence of British Parliament.

b. British Parliament sits in Buckingham Palace.

c. Westminster is a royal residence of Queen of Great Britain.

2) a. Trafalgar Square is situated far from Whitehall.

b. Trafalgar Square is a site of mass demonstrations and meetings today.

c. Trafalgar Square is situated in the East End.

3) a. Tower was built in the 19th century.

b. Tower was built between the 17th and 18th centuries.

c. Tower was built in the 11th century.

4) a. The City is a centre of commerce and finances of the country.

b. The City is a centre of fashionable shopping centres.

c. The City is a centre of parks and historical palaces.

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