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XXIII. Rewrite these sentences using the Causative, changing some words if necessary:

  1. Someone delivers the newspapers. (We)

  2. Someone cleaned the carpets every year. (I)

  3. Their house needs painting. (They're going to)

  4. We ask someone to check the accounts every month. (We)

5. Someone sends the money to my bank account in London. (I)

6. My stereo isn't working properly. It needs cleaning. (I'm going to)

7. My camera is being repaired at the moment. (I'm)

8. He spilt coffee on my jacket so he took it away for cleaning. (He spilt coffee on my jacket so he)

9. I think it's time to service the car. (It's time to)

  1. I don't like the office curtains. It's time to change them. (I think I'll)

  2. There's something wrong with the typewriter. It needs repairing. (I think I'll)

  3. We couldn't go to Jack's flat: it was being painted. (We couldn't go to Jack's flat:


  1. The computer's no good: we're changing it. (We)

  2. I send the films to England: they are processed there. (I)

  3. I didn't want to eat in the hotel dining-room, so I asked them to send a meal up to my room. (I didn't want to eat in the hotel dining-room, so I)

XXIV. Indirect Speech. Use reporting verbs like replied, answered, stated, commented,

observed, remarked, declared


  1. Mr Lee. The committee has not been able to reach an agreement.

  1. Mr Smith. We must have a decision soon.

  1. Mr King. I'm in favour of asking the chairman of the committee to meet with us.

  1. Mr Lee. The chairman will be out of town until Tuesday.

  1. Mr King. We could discuss the matter with him by telephone.

  1. Mr Lee. It might be difficult to reach him.

  2. Mr Smith. It is getting late.

  1. Mr Lee. We still have several important matters to discuss.

  2. Mr King. I am in favour of postponing our discussion until tomorrow.

10. Mr Smith. I also favour postponing discussion.

XXV. A. Read this account of a telephone call. Write the questions the customer asked.

Example: Autorecambios Torrejon are on the phone. They want to know if we have

dispatched their order yet.

Have you dispatched our order yet ?

  1. And they want to know when we dispatched it.

  2. They'd like to know how many different shipments there are.

  3. And they want to know whether the first shipment contains the Rapidex plugs.

  1. They want to know when it will arrive.

  2. And they'd like to know if we've received their payment for their last order.

6. And they also want to know if we are giving them a 10% discount.

B. Now look at some more questions. They are all direct questions. Change them into

Indirect questions and put them in the correct places in the conversation:

Are there any seats available ?

When do they want to leave ?

What are the options ?

Would they mind flying with Singapore Airlines ?

When will the tickets arrive ?

How long are they staying ?

Are there any British Airways flights around that time ?

Annie: Bradley's Travel. Anne Bradley speaking.

Jose: Hello Anne. This is Jose Cabinda. I need a couple of flights to Bangkok for

our sales managers. Can you tell me _____?

Annie: Certainly. Could you tell me .

Jose: Friday June 18th.

Annie: And do you know _______.

Jose: Yes, five days. They'd like to come back on the 24th. Could you tell me


Annie: I'll have a look. No, nothing with ВA I'm afraid. Do you think ______.

Jose: No, I'm sure they wouldn't.

Annie: Good. There's a flight on the 18th at 8.30. It gets in the same day at 9.30 in

the evening.

Jose: Do you know ______.

Annie: Yes, there are. I've just called it up on the screen. Shall I book you two now?

Jose: Yes, please. And that's Club class, OK? Do you know _____.

Annie: In four or five days. I'll send them to you as soon as they come in.


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