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I. Answer the questions on Text a:

l) What kind of country is the United States of America? 2) Where is the United States of America situated ? 3) What oceans is the USA washed by ? 4) What is the total area of the United States ? 5) What parts does the USA consist of ? 6) What mountains are there in the USA ? 7) What parts does the continental territory of the USA consist of ? 8) Where is the highland (lowland) region situated ? 9) What are the main rivers in the USA ? 10) Which river is the longest ? 11) What is the population of the USA ? 12) The capital of the United States is Washington, isn’t it ? What do you know about this city ? 13) What industries are developed there ? 15) What opportunities does the fertile soil give? 16) How many states does the USA consist of ?

II. Find the English equivalents in the text:

Омивається, загальна площа, квадратні кілометри, окремі частини, складається з, сягати з півночі на південь, притоки (ріки), водні шляхи, релігійні та політичні свободи, бути багатим на, можливості володіти, велика кількість, родючий, переробляти, високосний рік.

III. Give the Ukrainian equivalents of the following word combinations from Text A:

A divide between, carved through the ages, in and around, branches of economy, plenty of, farmland, fish oil, Democrates and Republicans, national economy, fish meal, half, the capital, a report, system of waterways, highland regions, lowland regions, valley, coast, eastern, western, westward, fertile soil, population.

IV. Arrange the given words in the pairs of synonyms:

Freedom, important, abundance, significant, powerful, to divide, whole, splendid, to separate, total, great, basic, to have, independence, strong, principal, immense, fundamental, soil, to possess, plenty, main, magnificent, earth.

V. Arrange the words in the pairs of antonyms:

The largest, highly developed, important, western, to separate, highlands, the longest, backward, unimportant, eastern, the smallest, the shortest, lowlands, north, magnificent, south, simple, main, to connect, secondary.

VI. Retell the text according to the plan:

1) The geographical location of the USA. 2) Mountains and rivers on the territory of the United States. 3) The capital and the population of the USA. 4) National economy of the United States. 5) Political system of the USA.


I. Put the verbs in brackets into the right form. Translate the sentences into Ukrainian

(Present Indefinite = Present Simple Tense):

1) I (to like) big cities. 2) In Britain the banks usually (to open) at 9.30 in the morning. 3) We (to do) a lot of different things in our free time. 4) It (to rain) a lot in autumn. 5) The Earth (to go) round the Sun. 6) The weather is usually nice in summer in Odessa. It (not , to rain) very often. 7) We (to like) films but we (not, to go) to the cinema very often. 8) Bill... usually (not; to have) breakfast. 9) Gerry and Linda (not; to know) many people. 10) I (to drink) coffee. I (not; to drink) tea. 11) I (not; to believe) it. It's not true. 12)... it (to snow) a lot where you live ? 13) ... you (to live) in a big city ? 14)... the Sun (to rise) in the East ? 15) What... this word (to mean) ?

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