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V. Fill in the blanks with the necessary words in the brackets. Translate into Ukrainian:

1) The total... of water in existence equals 326 million cubic miles. (quality, amount, length) 2) The surface of the... is 70% water to an average depth of over 4 kilometres. ( ocean, sea, earth) 3) Water is necessary for life , but not all water is suitable for the purpose, so early as the year 300 A.D. people had discovered that care must be taken to keep water .… (salty, pure, solid) 4) A supр1у of water for domestic use has always been an important matter, but not until people began to congregate in large cities did it become a... problem. (simple, unimportant, serious) 5) In our blood scientists have found all the chemicals and minerals that make up... water. (atmospheric, sea, pure) 6) The occurrence оf ice is confined to areas and seasons in which the temperature ... below freezing point. (equals, falls, rises) 7) Where the temperature remains ... freezing point either the vapor or liquid both are present. (above, near, below) 8) A great deal of the water in and on the land is polluted by minerals, or by industrial waste and so frequently rendered .... ( pure, usable, unusable) 9) Water is one of the most widespread and most mobile ... bodies. (artificial, natural, man-made)

VI. Before reading Text в find the answers to the following questions:

1) How much water is there in the human body ? 2) What are the three states of water ? 3) What causes the saltness of water ?

VII. Translate without the dictionary and answer the question “Why is the hydrology

necessary for reclamation engineers ?”:

Hydrology is science dealing with waters of the earth in rivers, streams, lakes in or below the land surface, in the atmosphere in all its states  their occurrence, distribution and circulation through the unending hydrologic cycle of precipitation, consequent runoff, stream flow, infiltration and ground water, evaporation and reprecipitation. It is concerned with the physical, chemical and biological reactions of the water with the rest of the earth and its relation to the life of the earth.

VIII. Translate into Ukrainian without a dictionary:

1) Water is an important natural resource. 2) Rain , snow, ice, hail, vapour, fog are various forms of water. 3) Three-fourths of the Earth are covered with water, most being sea water. 4) Sea water contains salts harmful to most plants. 5) Water moves in a never-ending cycle of evaporation-condensation-precipitation. 6) Water evaporates from the surface of the ocean and rises into the air. 7) Having cooled in the air the water condenses and falls to the Earth. 8) About 95.000 cubic miles of water are moving between Earth and sky. 9) Distribution of water on the surface of the globe varies greatly. 10) Our home, agriculture and industry require great quantities of water. 11) We need water to support our lives, to grow our crops and for many other purpose. 12) Per capita use of water is increasing rapidly. 13) The quantity of fresh water available to man is very small. 14) We have to take measures against waste of water and pollution of water. 15) We have to use water more efficiently.

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