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II. Read and translate:

Do you know that :

… Earth is a watery planet ?

… ours is a water-conditioned existence ?

… ocean basins and continents are unevenly distributed over the Earth's surface ?

… the Pacific Ocean is the largest of the three ocean basins ?

… relatively few rivers discharge into the Pacific Ocean ?

III. Find some derivatives from the following verbs and translate them:

To study; to explore; to travel; to navigate; to locate; to move ; to predict; to change; to exist; to wonder.

Text A

Oceanography derives its name from the study of ocean geography  the mapping of ocean boundaries and the delineation of ocean currents. It began with some earliest explorations of the earth's surface. Because of the importance of shipping and ocean travel, mapping of the ocean margins was an important part of early exploration. Of the exploring expeditions which began in the fifteenth century, two were especially important for mapping of the oceans. The Spanish-financed Portuguese nobleman Ferdinando Magellan ( 1480 ? -1521 ) explored the Pacific Ocean and circumnavigated the earth by water. The English navigator Captain James Cook ( 1728-1779 ) established the outlines for much of the Pacific Ocean and showed that an ice-covered continent (Antarctica) was located at the South Pole.

The ocean is an ancient feature of the earth's surface. Most scientists believe that the ocean and the continents originated as a consequence of the same processes. Many geologists believe that the ocean formed through the gradual release of water at the earth's surface through volcanic action. This caused the removal of water originally bound in the rocks of the earth's interior.

Earth is a watery planet. Nearly 71% of the earth's surface is overlain by a blanket of water, averaging 12.200 feet. Ours is a water-conditioned existence, and by studying the ocean we can learn about a dominant feature of our environment. With better understanding we may some day be able to predict changes in the oceanic and atmospheric circulation that affect our lives.

In short, oceanography is a marine science which deals with all the characteristics of the sea, always changing and always beautiful. The sea , one of the greatest wonders of the world.


1. Answer the following questions:

1) What does the term “ocean geography” mean? 2) Why did oceanography become so important? 3) When did this science begin to exist? 4) Name the first exploring expeditions. 5) Who was the first to find Antarctica? 6) How do scientists explain the origin of oceans? 7) Can we say that our Earth is a watery planet? 8) What is the average depth of the ocean? 9) Why should we study oceanography? 10) Does ocean attract you?

II. Find synonyms from the following:

1) to derive 1) significant

2) boundary 2) cover

3) exploration 3) characteristic

4) travel 4) to think

5) important 5) to know

6) blanket 6) study

7) feature 7) to take from

8) to believe 8) margin

9) to learn 9) voyage

10) to predict 10) to forecast

III. Find the key sentences in Text A.

IV. Give the English equivalents to the following:

1) Наука про географію океану; 2) картографування океанських меж; 3) відображення океанських течій; 4) науково-дослідні експедиції; 5) зробив иавколосвітню подорож по воді; 6) покритий льодом материк; 7) давня характеристика землі, 8) поверхня землі; 3) зявилися як наслідок однакових процесів; 10) поступове звільнення води; 11) покрита плівкою води; 12) водна планета; 13) у середньому досягає ... футів; 14) наше існування зумовлено; 15) домінуюча риса; 16) навколишнє середовище; 17) прогнозувати зміни; 18) якщо говорити коротко ...; 19) наука, яка має справу з ...; 20) одна з найвеличезніших дивовин світу.

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