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I. Answer the questions:

1) When was the Declaration of Ukrainian Independence proclaimed? 2) Where is Ukraine situated ? 3) What is the territory of Ukraine ? 4) What countries does Ukraine border on ? 5) Where is the geographical centre of Europe? 6) What are the main branches of industry in Ukraine ? 7) What are the achievements of Ukrainian scientists ? 8) What is Ukraine blessed with ? 9) What is the population in Ukraine ? 10) What international organizations does Ukraine take part in ?

II. Find the sentences in Text a which have about the same meaning as the ones given below.

Translate them:

1) The territory of Ukraine covers the area of 603.7 thousand sq. km. 2) Neighboring Ukraine are the countries of Bielarus, Russia, Moldova, Poland, Hungary, Slovakia. and Czech. 3) The Dnipro is the most important river of the country and the third longest one in Europe. 4) Ukraine's industry includes metal-making; car-building, power engineering, aircraft engineering, etc. 5)The Ukrainian scientists made valuable contribution to the world science with great openings and investigations. 6) Ukraine is fortunate enough to have rich agro resources. 7) Many outstanding scientists graduated from the famous universities and institute of Ukraine. 8) Today the people of Ukraine are very interested in cultural heritage of their Motherland. 9) Our country is provided with great deposits of minerals.

III. Complete the following sentences using the words given below:

1) Ukraine has its own territory, higher and local bodies of.… 2) The geographical position of Ukraine is very favourable to … with countries throughout the world. 3) The population of Ukraine is.… 4) The declaration of Ukrainian independence was ... on August 24, 1991. 5) Ukraine is rich in ....


(multinational, state power, proclaimed, natural resources, set contacts )

IV. Think about the area where you live. Say in which aspect it is unique and vitally

important for the whole of Ukraine:

V. Find the sentences in Text B which have about the same meaning as the ones given below .

Translate them:

1) The President of Ukraine is the head of the State. 2) Verkhovna Rada issues laws. 3) The Cabinet of Ministers administers the laws. 4) By law the President is elected every 5 years. 5) The President can't be elected for life.

VI. Think and answer the questions:

1) What is the role of the President of Ukraine ? 2) Why are the parties and movements especially active during the election campaign ? 3) How is it possible to make the work of all the government bodies effective and competent ?


Kyiv is the capital of Ukraine. In 1982 it was 1500 years old. It is one of the oldest cities in Europe and therefore there are a lot of places of historic interest in it. From older times it is referred to as "the Mother of all cities of ancient Rus". Ancient Kyiv was a large commercial centre of the East Slavs. A great role in the history of Kyiv was played by Prince Volodymyr who united Slav peoples. So Kyiv was made the capital of Ancient Rus and it lasted for nearly three centuries.

But it is not only its old age and long history that makes Kyiv stand out among other cities. It is a unique and extremely harmonious combination of historic values and ways of life that draws crowds of people from all over the world to Kyiv.

The capital of Ukraine is in itself a huge monument which over a long period of time has been erected by the collective wisdom and creative effort of many generations.

The cultural life of our capital is rich and varied. There are a lot of fine museums, theatres, many research institutes and higher educational establishments.

Today Kyiv is a leading industrial, political and scientific centre. Its population equals 3 mln people. It is situated on the picturesque banks of the Dnipro river. One half of the Kyiv's territory is occupied by gardens and parks and in spring and summer time the trees and bushes are full of greenery and the city looks like one huge park.

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