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I. Practice the pronunciation of the following words. Translate and learn


To haunt, lapel, franchise, target, transit, bowling, cater.

  1. Define the words and word combination below. Say how they were used in the article.

To trundle through, to do sth. at grade level, remedial education/ to take remedial reading., etc., to take over, to target money for sth., poker-size, to be assigned to do sth, poverty-level students, to be assigned to sth, puckish, moxie, to venture into sth., proctor, to work on sth, redeemable.

  1. Find in the article the English for:

Утвердится, укрепиться в…; угрюмый, мрачный; поменять что-либо на что-либо; толстовка с капюшоном; быстро расти, произвести сенсацию; переселять; надзирать за студентами; низкие показатели успеваемости; восполнить пробелы в знаниях; не представлять никакой угрозы для…; поднять самооценку; вялый, инертный; скачок, подъем, заключить сделку с…, заработать хорошие деньги, крайняя мера, решать простые уравнения, пробелы в знаниях.

  1. Explain what is meant by:

Poker-size chips, gold attitude pins, to fall off the learning curve, suburban malls, cookie-cutter tutoring room, a one-credit course, mystery meats, wallet-size medical-history-card business, superintendent, to serve students, to pile up at the graduation door, area coordinator, customized curricular, workbook, kudos and goodies, ''token economy'' system.

  1. Say what you know about:

  1. Grade school, Kinder-Care, Edison Project devised by Chris Whittle;

  2. Minneapolis, Maryland, Princeton, N.J., the District of Columbia, Md., Pasadena, Texas, Bronx,;

  3. CEO, the Graduate Record Exam ,Blue Cross/Blue Shield.

  1. State the idea behind the lines and enlarge on it.

1. The scene is a vintage Sylvan Learning Center, the booming as-seen-on-TV franchise specializing in basic-skills tutoring.

2. This is the newest chapter in the search for private-sector solutions to public-school failure.

3. The Maryland-based company has found a way to tap into the $7 billion federal Chapter One till.

4. Sylvan likes to think of itself as a one-stop, basic-skills fix-it shop.

5. But food and transit are one thing, math and reading quite another.

6. Sylvan is poised to carve out a hefty slice of what business people refer to as the $300 billion education industry.

7. Sylvan's real mother lode may be public education.

8. "Too many children fall through the cracks.''

9. '' It gets kids to the table.''

10. It's an unquestioned practice with a long failing history.

11. Sylvan is off and teaching.

  1. Sum up the key points of the article.

  2. Say if you agree that:

1. The more people are rewarded for completing a task, the more they lose interest in that task in the long run.

2. Every teacher in the nation uses some kind of reward system in the classroom.

3. "If they have to bribe me to do it, it must be something I don't want to do on my own'.''

4. Sending out for fast-food learning help is often a last-resort measure.

5. Sylvan's public-schools have significant ambitions.

6. The use of rewards fosters a mercenary spirit.

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