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4.3.  Work in pairs. Read the newspaper extracts below. Then rewrite them, using the multi-word verbs.

a. Yesterday, the Opposition claimed it is the only party that represents social justice and the needs of ordinary people. They have increased pressure on the Government recently by demanding a general election this summer. They believe they will defeat the Government unless it admits it is wrong over its new economic policy.

b. Despite pressure from the Opposition, the Government has announced it will not withdraw its new economic policy. They say they will continue with the policy because it is the right one. Several political commentators believe the Government is trying to make the crisis appear less serious than it really is. If the economic situation does not improve soon, some Government MPs may begin to criticize their own party openly.

4.4. Which of the words can be used with the multi-word verbs? Up to three items may be correct.

  1. We want to bring down: this corrupt regime / this football team / this new law / this building project.

  2. We will step up: security / our election campaign / taxes / expenditure.

4.5. The wrong multi-word verbs have been used in the political speech below. Correct them.

Our political party speaks out against equality and justice. We will never be afraid to stand up for corruption and inequality. We will always play down the weakest members of society. We want the government to stick to its policy of cutting expenditure on health and education. The government has tried to step up the present crisis by saying the situation isn’t very serious, but we know what the truth is. That is why we are climbing down over an immediate general election.

4.6. What do you think the following idiomatic expressions mean?

  1. to be up in arms (over / about sth)

  2. to make a U-turn (in sth)

  3. to come under fire

  • Think of examples for the following:

a. Situations in which people are up in arms about something.

b. Situations in which someone makes a U-turn.

c. Someone who has come under fire recently.

4.7. Role-play. Work in pairs. One of you is a TV interviewer, the other is a spokesperson for the Opposition. Read the notes for your role below, and spend some time thinking about what you will say, and how you can use the multi-word verbs and expressions from this unit. Then act the interview out.

TV Interviewer

The Government says it intends to cut public expenditure on health and education. During the interview try to find out the following:

  • what the Opposition party represents;

  • why the Opposition is so angry about the Government’s policy;

  • how the Opposition will increase pressure on the Government;

  • who will win next Wednesday’s vote.

Make the following points about the Government’s position:

  • the Government says it will not change its policy;

  • the Government says the situation is not serious and there is no crisis.

Spokesperson for the Opposition

The Government says it intends to cut public expenditure on health and education. During the interview make the following points:

  • your party represents justice, equality, better health and better education;

  • you are going to increase pressure on the Government;

  • you are demanding a national debate on education and health;

  • you want the Government to change its policy;

  • the situation is more serious than the Government says it is;

  • MPs are criticizing the PM;

  • your ultimate aim is to defeat the Government.

  

A certain Prime Minister, who had a reputation for looking down on the members of the Cabinet, decided to take all of them out for a meal in a restaurant. The Prime Minister began by ordering fish.

“And the vegetables?” asked the waiter.

“Oh, they’ll have fish too,” replied the Prime Minister.

4.8. The Party Manifesto below was produced by the Government before the last general election. You think the Government has broken all its election promises. Discuss with your partner what you will say in a letter of complaint to your MP.


Our party represents social justice and good economic management.

Vote for us and if we are elected we will:

  • increase public expenditure

  • fight for the old and sick people in our society

  • publicly condemn any examples of corruption

  • increase security against terrorist attacks

  • always tell you the truth about any situation – no matter how bad it is

  • NOT raise taxes

  • NOT change our policies