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5.2. In many women’s magazines there is a column on personal problems. Below you’ll find six letters.

Work in pairs. Read the letters. Which do you think describes the most serious problem? Which writer do you think is the most sensible? Do you think any of the letters is silly?

For the ten years of my marriage, my husband has gone after other women, sometimes merely flirting but sometimes sleeping with them.

I left him twice and went back when he begged me to. But you can imagine how unhappy and humiliated I have been.

You may wonder why I’ve stuck to him. Well, I love him and I believe that in his own peculiar way, he loves me, too.

He has improved since I left the last time, about six months ago.

But there’s no feeling of security for me and I’m always on tenterhooks.

Some time ago I met a very nice man who would like me to live with him. I know I’d have peace with him and I’m very tempted though I don’t love him.

Which should I choose – a man like my husband or the one who’d never give a woman a moment’s worry?

The Daily Mirror

I’ve been going out with Peter for eight months. A few weeks ago, he packed me in for another girl, even though he said he loved me and we’d never part. Then, a week later, he asked me out again. Of course, I said yes.

But he still keeps talking about her and making excuses to see her. He’s being very moody and snaps at me when I ask him about her. I’m so miserable, what should I do?

Oh, boy

Dear Cathy & Claire – I hope you can help me. I can’t seem to make friends. If I speak to anyone in my class, they just say, «bye», or ignore me. I have one friend in the year above me, but that’s it.

I do have a lot of penfriends, but no-one I can go out with.

I have talked to my form teacher, but she said she couldn’t do anything and that I should have a word with my mum. I did that, but she said, «Don’t be silly».


When I was a teenager I slept around, as they say.

Then I got married to a good man and have had 16 years of happiness and two fine sons.

But all the while I dread meeting any boyfriends from the past, in case my husband gets to know.

The Sun

I am married to a super man – very kind and considerate and loving to me and our two children. He would anything in the world for us, until he gets behind the wheel of his car. Then he becomes a totally different man.

He’s aggressive, bad tempered and drives too fast.

We’re on tenterhooks when we’re in the car and thankful to get out of it.

What makes otherwise lovely men like him turn into beasts on the road?

The Daily Mirror

I don’t remember the last time I had a conversation with a girl.

I am in my twenties, and other people my age seem able to talk to girls. Sometimes I wonder if I ever will.

The Sun