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2.5.6. Pair work:

You are talking to an insurance company agent explaining what has happened. You want to get a compensation.

2.7. Project. Work in groups. Your task is to convert the house into one of the following:

  • a casino

  • a hotel

  • a clothes shop

  • a health club and gymnasium

  • a language school

  • a residential hostel for six physically handicapped people (who will go out during the day to work) and their full-time care-taker

Say what changes you will make. Use some of the new words and expressions from the unit. The following may also be useful.

add car park change (into) divide emergency exit

entrance fire escape gents (toilet) improve increase

ladies (toilet) strengthen turn (into) widen

2.8.  Write a short description of the house you are living in at the moment. Say what changes you would like to make.

III. More houses should be built

3.1.  Who’s speaking? Listen to the recording and decide which of the five people is speaking in each case.

Alwyn Anchors, self-employed house builder James Bethell, racehorse trainer; some of his lads

live in tied accommodation

Debra Freechild, a tenant about Barbara Gatehouse, adviser Susanna Harsanyi, originally

to become a single parent; her at the Housing Aid Centre, Oxford from Hungary, now living in

private landlord cannot make her Oxford

leave or raise her rent.

3.2. Look at the sentences from the recording, and try and find words to fit the definitions in the box.

- loan to pay for a home

- person who invites other people for a meal, a party, or other entertainment

- made to fit its purpose -place to live (a general word)

- limits

- one room that serves as bedroom and sitting-room

  1. When I was a student, and we were living four in a house, it would have been nicer to have a house that was more suitably designed for that.

  2. I've persuaded the better paid ones to try and get on a rung of the mortgage ladder and buy their own accommodation, which seems to be working better. I mean it pays me to put their salaries up enough, you know, by sort of £25 to £30 a week, for them to be paying a mortgage.

  3. And the person whose house it is is the host, and they entertain them quite generously ...

  4. The worst housing problems, in my personal view, are being in a room, a bedsit, with one or two children ... something we ought, all ought to try and do something about as soon as possible.

  5. But certainly more houses should be built. Erm, and, er, they should be built in the price range so that people can actually afford to live, you know, buy and live in a house.

3.3. Make sure you know what the words in the box mean. Then copy the partial notes below, leaving big blanks where the dots are. Listen to Claire Booker from Shelter (a national campaign for the homeless) and complete the notes.

budget divorce recession sell off poverty structure

1. because of............, increase in............

- more than............below poverty line

- governments have ............ for housing budget ………… in last 5 years

- results: little building, no............

- council housing has been............

2. families becoming............, but............

- more young and old............

- more divorce means............

3. summary

- not enough............

- more............

- change in actual............

- result: ........

3.4. Passives. Complete these sentences with should, ought to, may, might, can, could, will, would or must + passive infinitive. More than one answer may be possible.

  1. At least 500,000 more houses (build) as soon as possible.

  2. But it is very unlikely that this actually (do).

  3. Rents (control) by the government.

  4. If that happened, the cost of living (reduce) by half.

  5. We’re afraid that our rent (raise) soon.

  6. If we’re unlucky, it (double).

  7. Landlords (prevent) from putting up rents like that.

  8. Mrs Anderson has promised to control rents if she becomes President, but I don’t think she (elect).

  9. And I don’t think the present government (expect) to do anything about it.

3.5. Work in groups of four or five. Each group member takes responsibility for one question, making sure that everyone else expresses a view on it. Try and use words from the previous exercises. Then write one another sentence about housing with 'ought to be' or 'should be' and give it to another group to discuss.

  1. More housing should be owned by the government and rented to people with low incomes.

  2. People who are going to live in government housing should be consulted about the design of new housing.

  3. Tied housing ought to be declared illegal.

  4. Tenants ought to be allowed to make any improvements they want to accommodation where they are living.

3.6. Read the Shelter poster with a dictionary.

3.7. Write about the housing situation in Britain or Belarus. Cover the following:

  • poverty

  • the housing budget

  • the rents

  • the quality of housing

  • the family structure

  • homelessness

  • the council housing.