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War On Want: General Secretary’s Report

It’s been a bad year for _____ people. Cyclones, _____, civil wars – and above all famine – have cut into humanity, killing literally millions.

George Orwell said that the ultimate in obscenity would be reached when half of the people in the _____ could watch the other half starving to death on television. This year his prediction was realised. The world was stunned by the pictures. At times it seemed like a horrible dream, to watch children, families, whole communities dying of _____ in a world of plenty.

Yet if you boarded an aeroplane in England in the morning, you could stand as I did in the refugee camps on the Sudan-Ethiopia border before dark the same day. Which poses the question – if those _____ people can be reached by scheduled airline in less than one day – why is the situation still not under _____?

The reasons are little to do with nature – and a lot to do with _____.

If a tiny fraction of the treasure which sent the Task Force to the Falklands had moved the European food _____ to the famine, it would by now have been stopped.

Even worse, if the simple message that “a stitch in time saves nine” had been learnt, and relatively little had been spent on starting long-term development _____ ten years ago, the famine would never have occurred, millions would be _____, and the millions of pounds in _____ relief would never have been _____. But the political will in the developed world is not there.

But if the politicians have failed the people have not.

In the wave of _____ generosity, War on Want has this past year made its greatest ever contribution to the war on want in emergency aid, medium and long-term development, education, agitation and effective campaigning.

But the war has got tougher, the enemy – _____ – stronger, the casualties – the world’s poor – more numerous.

We _____ to enlist more money, understanding, support and above all more people.

Come and _____ us – the War on Want is still the only war worth fighting in the world today.

George Galloway

General Secretary

2.4.1. Read the text again and answer these questions:

  1. What is the situation like in the Sudan and Ethiopia? Give reasons.

  2. Why is the situation still not under control?

  3. Comment on the proverb “A stitch in time saves nine”. Use words and

phrase from this unit.

  1. What war is George Galloway calling for? How can people participate

in this war?

2.5. Imagine you are applying for a job in voluntary service overseas and have been asked to explain why you wish to do it, where you wish to go and why. Write to the central organization (Voluntary Service Overseas).

2.6. Speech practice.

  • Describe a situation to illustrate the use of the proverbial phrase “A stitch in time saves nine”. Base your situation on the problem of needs.

III. The third world: development aid

3.1. Read the text. What is your reaction to this information?