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1.9. Speech practice.

  • Give your arguments for the statement “Charity begins at home”.

  • Develop the statement “Every charitable act is a stepping stone towards heaven”.

  • Do you agree with the statement: “We give to other people not for the good we wish to do them but for the good we wish to do for ourselves”. (Seventeenth-century French writer)

II. Charities

2.1. Work in small groups. Look at this list of some well-known British charities and say what areas they work in:

  • Save the Children

  • Age Concern

  • British Heart Foundation

  • World Wildlife Fund

  • Help the Aged

  • RSPCA (Royal Society for the Prevention Cruelty to Animals)

  • Crises

  • Live Aid

  • War on Want

  • Mencap ( Royal Society to Mentally Handicapped Children and Adults)

  • Amnesty International

  • Action Aid

  • Which do you think are the most and least deserving?

2.2. Read the introduction to a radio programme and answer the questions below:

This might be the age of high technology in many western countries, but for the majority of the world’s children, everyday life is still a fight just to survive. In Africa and Asia, 10% of babies die before they are one year old. Average life expectancy is about 46. One in four Third World children can expect to suffer malnutrition. In developing countries nearly three quarters of the people do not have access to safe water, yet 80% of the world’s disease is caused by dirty water.

Answer these questions:

  1. What are some of the problems facing the Third World countries?

  2. What are their main causes? Try to put them in order of importance: poverty, hunger, droughts, floods, armed fighting, debts to other countries.

  3. What is being done about these problems?

  4. “Everyday life is still a fight to survive.” Does this statement refer only to the poorer nations?

2.2.1.  Listen to charity appeals of the world famous charities: Action Aid, Mencap, Amnesty International, Live Aid. For each of the charities, say:

  • which people it tries to help;

  • why these people need help;

  • how the charity tries to help them;

  • the charity’s successes and problems.

  • Go over the vocabulary to clear up any difficulties of understanding.

a sponsorship scheme

to have a link with

mentally handicapped people

a life-long disability

residential accommodation / homes

a prisoner of conscience

to oppose the death penalty and torture

to handle


a desperate search for food


medical supplies

2.2.2. If you had £1,000 that you wanted to give to charity, which of these four would you give to? How would you divide the money?

First decide on your own which charity or charities you would give to. Then discuss with a partner until the two of you agree. Finally try to come to a decision as a class.

2.3. Look at the table and make sure you understand all the words and expressions. Then listen to the man from Oxfam and to the woman from War on Want talking about their organisations, and try to complete the grid.

a charitable organisation controversial(ly) irrigation work the sinking of wells to fund small-scale (development) projects voluntary contributions child-rearing long-term development programmes a field officer overseas to benefit from the root causes of famine the poorest of the poor a women’s officer


War on Want


Mentions small-scale projects

Has a women’s officer

Has field officers overseas

Involves local people

Works in almost every Third World country

  • Listen again and answer the following questions:

  1. Roger Elbourn says that “Oxfam began controversially.” What does he mean?

  2. Give some examples of small-scale projects that Oxfam funds.

  3. Where does Oxfam get its money from?

  4. How is War on Want different from other development agencies?

  5. Think of some examples of long-term development programmes. Why do both Roger and Alison think that it is important to involve local people in implementing development projects?

  6. Who are the poorest of the poor in the world according to Alison White? Why does she think so? Do you agree?

2.4. Use the words from the box to fill blanks in the text. You may have to make plurals or change verb forms.

alive control emergency flood hunger hungry join need (twice) politics poor poverty project public surplus world