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Fag End Of The Evening

From UPI in Dallas

A 35-year-old woman who was awakened by an unknown man crawling into her bed marched him out at gunpoint, only to have him knock on her door a few moments later and ask for a light for his cigarette. The woman told police she awoke to find a partially clad man crawling into her bed whispering: “I want you, I love you”. She responded by grabbing a small pistol from her nightstand and telling him: “I'll kill you. I want you out of my house”.

The woman said she forced the man out of her apartment at gunpoint, locked the door, and called the police. But within seconds, there was a knock on the door. She opened it, its chain still in place, to find her assailant calmly asking her for a light for his cigarette. The astounded woman said she got her lighter, complied with his request, and re-locked the door.

Police arrived to see the man running from the woman’s porch carrying a lighted cigarette, and arrested a 20-year-old suspect a short time later.

(The Guardian)

1.11. Work in pairs. Invent a crime story. Use the following words and phrases:

An assailant, a suspect, evidence; inquiry; imminent, partially clad; to do smth at gunpoint, to claim; to comply with smth; to admit; to serve a sentence, to be on remand; to release.

1.12. Try to solve at least one of the detective problems.

How Good a Detective Are You?

1. One evening late in 1941, Colonel Montgomery of Scotland Yard found himself standing before the members of the London Mystery Club, a group that enjoyed discussing mystery novels.

“I wouldn't be asking for your help if it wasn't important”, the colonel said. “Recently a stranger arrived in London from South America. Our intelligence sources have informed us that this man is probably a Nazi agent. We believe that he is a courier of a great deal of wealth with which to finance espionage in Britain.

A few hours after he stepped off the boat, we arranged a car accident that sent him to hospital with a fractured arm. Our staff searched his clothes and luggage, which consisted of only a briefcase with letters from his friends in British Guiana. We discovered nothing. Either this man is not an enemy agent, or he is an exceedingly clever one.

We considered a number of possible ploys. He could have posted counterfeit British currency to himself, but the irregularity of wartime mail makes this rather unlikely. He could have had diamonds implanted in his body surgically, but an X-ray machine eliminated that possibility. Tomorrow morning this man will walk out of the hospital and merge with our populace. Do you have any suggestions as to how he might be concealing something like a hundred thousand pounds?”

The members turned to one another and whispered for a few moments. Several heads nodded, and then the president turned and said, “Colonel, we think you have overlooked a rather obvious possibility”.

Can you work out what it is?

  1. What information came to Scotland Yard from the intelligence sources?

  2. How did the police try to detain the spy?

  3. Why did the Colonel come to the London Mystery Club?

  4. What possibilities did the police work out themselves?

  5. What possibility was overlooked?

2. “Mr Reilly? This is Colonel Montgomery of Scotland Yard. I'm afraid I have some bad news for you. Your brother-in-law has just been murdered”.

“Oh my God”, said the voice on the other end of the line. “I only saw Micky last night. I can't believe this is true. Are you sure it's him?”

“The identification is positive, Mr Reilly. I would like to come straight over and talk to you about who would have a motive for killing him”.

An hour later, Colonel Montgomery was seated in Reilly's flat.

“It's no secret that Micky had enemies”, said Reilly. “His business partner, Harold Smith, once accused him of stealing money from their business. They had some violent arguments. Then there's my sister's husband, Charles Jones, who accused Micky of having an affair with his wife. Charles, I'm embarrassed to say, is associated with the underworld. Another person who could have killed Micky is my wife's brother Billy. I know he hated Micky. I can give you his address, if you promise not to tell him I did”.

“No, thank you, Mr Reilly. From what you've told me, it's rather obvious that you killed Micky”.

How did Montgomery know this?

  1. What bad news did Mr. Reilly get on the phone?

  2. How many people could have a motive to kill Mr. Reilly’s brother-in-law?

  3. Why could they be under suspicion?

  4. How did Montgomery know it was Mr. Reilly who killed Micky?

3. Alphonso, the spy, was being questioned at Scotland Yard. “All right, Alphonso”, said Colonel Montgomery. “Where did you hide the secret document you stole from the Foreign Office?” “I was afraid of being caught with it”, Alphonso replied. “When I saw your man trailing me, I ran into a library and hid it in a book. I put it between pages 123 and 124 so I would remember where it was, but I was so intent on remembering those numbers that now I’ve forgotten the book's name”.

“You're lying, Alphonso”, said Colonel Montgomery. “Where did you really put it?”

How could Colonel Montgomery tell Alphonso was lying?

(from The Reader's Digest)

  1. What crime did Alphonso commit?

  2. How according to his words did he hide the secret document?

  3. How did the Colonel learn that Alphonso was lying?

1.13. How have criminals been portrayed in films you have seen recently? Were they portrayed as heroes, idiots or evil individuals?

1.14. Speech practice.

  • Crime. The types of crimes and their causes. Penalties and sentences.