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VI. Alternative medicine

7.1. Answer the following questions.

  • Do you believe in modern medicine? Do you think it really works?

  • What do you know about alternative approaches to medicine (acupuncture / herbalism / homeopathy / osteopathy)?

  • Do you believe in the benefits of the alternative medicine?

  • What kinds of disorders and illnesses can be treated with the help of the alternative medicine?

7.2. 9 Listen to the radio programme about holistic medicine. Complete the chart with some of the differences between Western and holistic medicine. Compare your notes with your partner.

Western medicine

Holistic medicine

7.2.1. Now read the interview and answer the following questions:

1. What is the system that Glenna Gillingham is trying to set up?

2. Why, in her opinion, is holistic medicine becoming more popular?

7.2.2. Work in small groups.

1. Miss Gillingham said, «We are becoming more health conscious». Decide whether your group agrees with this statement or not. Be prepared to give reasons to the class.

2. Have your own attitudes to health care changed at all?

3. If you had a medical problem, what health treatment would you prefer: Eastern or Western?

  • When each group has decided, take a class vote.

7.3. Work in «expert teams» and study the passages on alternative medicine. Then return to your «home teams» and inform your groupmates of a new method of medical treatment. While speaking, you should check understanding, give clarification (if it is needed), express your own opinion. Your partners should ask for details, ask for clarification, express enthusiasm or indifference, express their own opinion on the problem.

A. Aromatherapy is a treatment method, which uses essential oils extracted from flowers, plants or trees. These are massaged into the body, inhaled, sprinkled in baths, or in some cases ingested.

Aromatic substances were used in healing throughout the ancient world notably by the Egyptians who used the same perfumes for both medical and cosmetic effects.

Proponents of aromatherapy have to this day developed the art for purposes as diverse as the healing of wounds, treating skin cancer and banishing wrinkles.

Having selected the appropriate oil the aromatherapist will probably want to spend some time preparing the skin because diet, pollution and make-up have dulled the receptivity of the modern skin. Inhalation is used for the treatment of head and lung complaints. About six to ten treatments may be required, although beneficial effects may be felt earlier.

As might be expected, aromatherapy is most effective used in the treatment of the skin, in healing wounds and burns, and treating shingles, acne, and conditions related to stress. The massage with which the oils are applied adds to therapeutic effect of the treatment.

B. In T’ai Chi Chuan slow, flowing movements, which follow a set pattern enable practitioners to harmonize mind, body and spirit and become more deeply centred in themselves. Its applications can be a form of healing, for self-defence and as a spiritual discipline.

The emphasis in performing the movements is not on strength, but on relaxation, concentration and balance. The knees are kept bent and movement is achieved by shifting the greater part of the body’s weight slowly from one foot to the other while the hands make careful and gentle pushing and circling gestures. Attention is also paid to correct breathing. Physically the aim is to develop muscle control, fluidity and grace.

Because of its relaxing effect, T’ai Chi is often recommended therapeutically to those who suffer from tension and anxiety, high blood pressure and heart complaints. It can promote and maintain good health both physically and mentally.

C. Reflexology is a technique in which particular areas on the soles and sides of the feet are seen to correspond to the organs of the body.

These are massaged to promote the health of the organs. Reflexology can also be used as a diagnostic tool.

Treatment with the patient lying bare-footed on a couch the reflexologist will feel for tiny lumps under the surface of the skin. The place on the foot where these are found indicates which organ is not functioning properly. For instance, the big toe corresponds to the top of the head and brain, and various parts of the heel to the bladder, sciatic nerve and sexual organs. The reflexologist will massage these spots, which can be surprisingly sensitive when touched, so it is not uncommon to feel some pain.

Treatments continue until the spot is no longer sensitive.