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1.2. Work in small groups. Team up with another student, decide which symptoms should go with which diseases.

  1. flu a. swollen glands in front of ear, earache or pain on eating

  2. pneumonia b. burning pain in abdomen, pain or nausea after eating

  3. rheumatism c. severe stomachache, sore abdomen

  4. chickenpox d. dry cough, high fever, chest pain, rapid breathing

  5. mumps e. headache, aching muscles, fever, cough, sneezing

  6. an ulcer f. swollen, painful joints, stiffness, limited movement

  7. appendicitis g. rash starting on body, slightly raised temperature

Helpful expressions: Could you tell me …? Do you happen to know …?

Have you got any idea about …? I should say … In my view …

  • Ask your groupmates questions in order to get more information about the diseases (a cause, treatment, etc). Report the received information to the class.

1.3. Work in small groups. Use the following words and phrases in sentences of your own.

an asthma attack, a nasty bout of bronchitis, to suffer from an epileptic fit, to have a bout of flu, to be prone to severe bouts of depression, a slight / splitting headache, a bad / hacking / racking cough, to be on antibiotics, to undergo an operation / surgery / a transplant, to be given a blood transfusion, to have therapy

1.4.  Look quickly through the texts and answer the questions below as quickly as you can.

  1. What happens to your bones if you stay in bed too long?

  2. What is the best drink to give to someone who has had an accident?

  3. The average 55-year-old man sleeps longer each night than the average 55-year-old woman: how much longer?

  4. What groups of people are most likely to survive near-drowning without brain damage?

  5. Why can Yee Tin medical oil be called a panacea or a miracle cure?

Drowned” People Could Recover Safely

Stories about seamen, apparently drowned, staying under water for far longer than the traditional four minutes and coming back to life without any brain damage, may be true.

Doctors at St Bartholomew’s Medical College in London have discovered that human beings have a «diving response», like that of sea mammals, which is triggered by a surprise fall into water – especially cold water. By closing off most of the needs of the body for blood supply, reducing the heart rate and power to a very low level but concentrating the emergency blood supply on the brain, humans can survive being under water for more that half an hour – and probably much longer – without brain damage.

In infants and children, it seems, the diving response is especially powerful.

(from The Guardian – adapted)

Bed Rest Is Bad For You

Ever noticed how you seem to take longer to get over an illness if you take to your bed for a few days instead of struggling on? The reason, according to the leading American health magazine Prevention, is that a whole range of bodily functions begin to weaken after as short a time as one day in bed.

Muscle tissue starts to break down, robbing the body of important minerals and leading to substantial weakness in just a few days; bones start to break down and lose calcium; the body is unable to use food efficiently; heart and blood vessels get weak after a couple of days, which can lead to a rise in pulse rate and a drop in blood volume; joint stiffness and constipation are also common.

Prolonged bed rest is not to be taken lightly”, says Dr Benjamin Natelson, professor of neurosciences at New Jersey Medical School. And that’s why doctors these days make every effort to get patients up and moving as soon as possible after heart attacks and operations.

(from Living Magazine – adapted)