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УМК 3 РГФ new 1.doc
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I. What crimes could involve the following?

  1. betrayal of one’s country; 5. contraband;

  2. heroin; 6. state secrets;

  3. a ransom; 7. hostages;

  4. a store detective; 8. illegal marriage.

II. Complete the following story with the given words.

theft pleaded fingerprints found cell

evidence arrest oath investigate

sentence charge detained fine

court magistrate handcuff witnesses

A policeman was sent to 1…… the disappearance of some property from a hotel. When he arrived, he found that the hotel staff had caught a boy in one of the rooms with a camera and some cash. When the policeman tried to 2…… the boy, he became violent and the policeman had to 3…… him. At the police station the boy could not give a satisfactory explanation for his actions and the police decided to 4…… him with the 5…… of the camera and cash. They took his 6……, locked him in a 7……, and 8…… him overnight. Next morning he appeared in 9…… before the 10……. He took an 11…… and 12…… not guilty. Two 13……, the owner of the property and a member of the hotel staff, gave 14……. After both sides of the case had been heard the boy was 15…… guilty. He had to pay a 16…… of $50 and he was given a 17…… of three months in prison suspended for two years.

III. Paraphrase the parts of the sentences in italics (use the active vocabulary).

  1. Extremely cruel conditions in prison didn’t bother him.

  2. The criminal was handcuffed and arrested.

  3. He went to the drugstore with me to make sure that I get there.

  4. They lived in bad, shocking conditions.

  5. I believed that war would happen very soon.

  6. Young people put in prison are corrupted by experienced, showing no regret, criminals.

  7. The key witness was called to a witness box to give his testimony.

  8. He was awaiting trial on charges of making false banknotes.

  9. Over 80 % of those who break the law for the first time in prison go back to prison.

  10. Police have launched a murder investigation.

  11. She awoke to find a partly dressed man crawling into her bed.

IV. Complete the following sentences with prepositions.

  1. Prison doesn’t deter people ___ committing crime.

  2. When you are ___ prison, you can only focus ___ the outside.

  3. One of the purposes of punishment lies in societies desire ___ retribution.

  4. Only 20 % of all the crimes in our town are cleared ___.

  5. Griffiths was sentenced ___ four years imprisonment.

  6. He is accused ___ killing ten young women.

  7. He was arrested and charged ___ a variety of offences.

  8. Bianchi had confessed ___ five of the murders.

  9. He was found guilty ___ passing on secret papers to a foreign power.

  10. After the preliminary hearing he was released ___ bail.

  11. The judge has finally pronounced the sentence: to put ___ probation.

  12. An old lady hit the mugger ___ the head with her umbrella and started screaming ___ the top of her voice.

  13. The robbery happened last night and now the police are appealing ___ witnesses.

  14. A criminal entered the shop and pulled ___ the knife from ___ his coat.

  15. More than three quarters of prisoners were ___ remand.

  16. The fraud was ordered to pay $300 ___ the prosecution costs.

  17. New vehicles must comply ___ certain standards.