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3.10. Speech practice.

  • Your views on what makes relationship work.

IV. “what makes a good relationship?”

4.1. 9 You are going to hear some people talking about relationships. Copy the table, listen to the recording and try to fill in the spaces.




Lyn’s parents

Jill and her boyfriend

Jill’s parents

Anne and her husband

Anne’s daughter and her boyfriend

Mike and his wife

4.2. 9 What makes a good relationship? Listen to the extracts and answer the questions below.

  1. A boy says what he thinks is the most important thing for a couple to agree on. Do you agree with him?

  2. A girl says what qualities she looks for in a boyfriend. What do you think are the most important qualities in a partner?

  3. Two girls talk about marriage. What do you think of their opinions?

  4. Two girls say what they think are the most important qualities in a good relationship. Do you agree with them?

  5. A woman talks about the fact that her 18-year-old daughter has left home to live with her boyfriend. What do you think of the woman’s point of you?

4.3.  Read the text and answer the questions. What's Wrong With Marrying For Love

Falling in love is the expected and proper prelude to marriage. This means that you marry for love and that you work at it after marriage. /What is meant by ‘work at it’?/ Marriage is the final realisation of a romantic attraction.

Getting married is primarily a romantic adventure with little prudent weighing of factors important for a lifelong union. Passionate attachment and anticipated happiness outweigh such considera­tions as cultural similarities and common social experience. /Do you agree with that?/ We proudly declare that we no longer marry for convenience to promote a career or to please our families but to establish a desirable union that is voluntary and rests on personal choice.

Romance is beautiful. Wonderful. But is it the primary basis for selection of matrimonial mates on which to build a lifelong union? Many things must be considered. Young people need the counsel of their elders. Much as parental control is criticised in modern society, there are some things that can be said for it. Parents do know something about the nature and needs of their own children. They can judge their mate through the eyes of their greater age and experience. /Can they ?/ And they also seek the happiness of their children.

Does modern research throw any light on romance as the basis for mate selection? Romance according to some researchers is a process of fantasy formation when one idealizes another person ignoring the faults and magnifying the virtues of the loved one. /Do you agree? / After marriage there is usually a return to reality. /?/

Studies of marital failure and success show quite clearly that marriage based on romantic attraction does not turn out as well as marriage based upon more comradely affection. /What is your opinion? /

Supporting this conclusion are the other studies showing that the longer period of acquaintance before marriage, the greater are the chances of marital success. /Do you agree? /

Perhaps most essential is the importance of similarity of social background for marital success.

This means that like should marry like. «Marriage», writes a well-known family sociologist, «involves living with a person, not merely loving him». /How do you feel about it? / It is this prosaic fact that places romantic love in its proper proportions as a basis for marriage. Romance must be termed the prelude to the more sober and realistic consideration of a mate, but romance alone is not enough.

  • Make up and practise a short situation using the words and word combinations in bold type.

4.4. 9An arranged marriage”. You will hear an interview with an Indian lady, Rajkumari Kejriwal, known to her family and friends as Raj. In the interview she talks about her arranged marriage, and the day she was introduced to her future husband.

  • Work in pairs. Write questions. What information would you like to learn?

  • Listen to the interview, and see if your questions are answered.