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Местоимения (pronouns)

Exercise 20: Complete the sentences. Use personal or possessive pronouns.

  1. _____________ am a student of the Pharmaceutical Academy.

  2. He often writes to _____________ parents.

  3. I often see him in the park with _____________ dog.

  4. She likes _____________ work very much.

  5. Is Tom _____________ friend? - No, he is only my colleague.

  6. We go to the country with _____________ friends every weekend.

  7. The students usually have _____________ exams in January and in June.

  8. Do you know these students? - Yes, _____________ are from our group.

  9. Translate this text without a dictionary. _____________ is not very difficult.

Предлоги (prepositions)

Предлог – это служебная часть речи, отражающая пространственные, временные, причинные или другие виды отношений между двумя значимыми словами. Предлоги в английском языке являются служебной частью речи и не могут употребляться самостоятельно и изменяться.








составные/ фразовые (composite/ phrasal)

in, about, against

происходят от слов других частей речи:

concerning, including, depending

включают в себя несколько компонентов:

within, hereafter, whereupon

включают в себя слово из другой части речи и 1-2 предлога: for the sake of, with regard to

По своему значению предлоги делятся на 3 группы:

1. Предлоги времени (prepositions of time):

Устойчивые словосочетания с предлогами времени:

2. Предлоги места (prepositions of place)

3. Предлоги направления (movement prepositions)

Exercise 21: Fill in the blanks with these words: against, at, by, for, from, in, like, near, of, on, to, up, with.

  1. She is doing a degree course _____ a university.

  2. His trousers were washed _____ the washing machine.

  3. We had to climb slowly _____ the hill.

  4. His house looks _____ a temple.

  5. How many _____ the members will join the trip?

  6. I don't usually feel tired _____ the morning.

  7. Have you heard anything _____ him yet?

  8. My house is quite _____ to your school.

  9. Put this _____ your drawer and do not let anyone see it.

  10. A university is where you study _____ a degree.

  11. Which of these roads will lead _____ the church?

  12. He sometimes quarrels _____ the neighbour.

  13. I think there is a salesman _____ the door.

  14. Her next birthday will be _____ a Sunday.

  15. Even the new drug could not cure him _____ his illness.

Continuous tenses active (времена группы continuous)

Форма Continuous образуется при помощи вспомогательного глагола to be (в форме настоящего, прошедшего или будущего времени) + Participle I смыслового глагола (формы инфинитива без частицы to + суффикс –ing).