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Выноска-облако 47

Part IV. Listening

Exercise 13: Listen to the tape 4 and do tasks.

Black teeth

  1. Listen and circle the correct answer

  1. Everyone’s dream is

  1. a million dollar smile

  2. a smile with black teeth

  1. One of the most common causes of black teeth is

  1. maintaining dental health

  2. bad oral hygiene

  3. toothache

  1. The main treatment of black teeth is

  1. drink coffee and colored drinks

  2. brush your teeth twice a day

  3. to look just like our Hollywood idols

  1. What is the second cause of black teeth?

  1. Flossing

  2. Brushing

  3. Dental caries

  1. What habit leads to black spots on teeth?

  1. Eating porridges

  2. Eating fruit

  3. Smoking

  1. Sum up what the text says about.

Part V. Writing

Exercise 14. Read about a contract.

A contract

A CONTRACT is an agreement between two or more parties, especially one that is written and enforceable by law.

Four Common Types of Business contracts.

Business contracts are created to suit the situation and on an "as needed basis", for instance:

Work-for-Hire: Companies create a Work-for-Hire contract when they are hiring an outside contractor to perform certain tasks. The contractor works independently and is responsible for claiming the money he or she makes to the IRS.

Confidentiality or Non-Disclosure: This contract protects the company's personal and confidential material. If the company is sharing valuable client information or trade secrets, it is important that this contract be in place. By agreeing to this type of a contract, the independent contractor is agreeing to NOT disclose business information or use trade secrets for personal gain.

Non-Compete: This type of a contract stops the independent contractor from competing with your business or stealing your ideas. Anyone that he or she comes in contact with must be addressed as your client, not theirs.

Service Agreement: A service agreement is common among online business services. The contract ensures that both parties receive what they expect. The client receives the work he or she has hired you for, and you receive payment for your services. This agreement should always be signed. If your client can't sign it, have them fax it to you.

Never work without a business contract!

Exercise 15. Imagine that after graduation you are offered to work in a dental clinic in the USA. You should fill in this form.

Contract of employment

1. Employer: ............................................................................................................

[Corporate entity and/or name of the Employer]

2. Employee: .............................................................................................................


[Name, postal address, date-of-birth, Social Security (‘AHV’) No:.]

3. Position: ............................................................................................................




4. Commencement of employment: .................................................................................................

5. Working hours: ..................................................................................................................

[Full time- or part time employment / working hours per week]

6. Place of work: ..…............................................................................................................

7. Monthly remuneration: …….........................................................................................................

[Monthly remuneration and/or hourly remuneration]

8. Continuation of remuneration: ..........................................................................................................




[Inculpable prevention of the employee to attend work (sickness, personal accident, military service, etc.)]

9. Vacation: ………..…………. ........................................................................

[Minimum 4 weeks per annum (Art. 329a of the Swiss Statute of Obligations (OR)]

10. Probationary time period: ..........................................................................................................

[1 month, maximum 3 months (Art. 335b of the Swiss Code of Obligations (OR)]

11. Notice of termination: As per Art. 334 et seq. of the Swiss Code of Obligations (OR)

12. Place and date: …………..........................................................................................

13. Signatures: ____________________ _____________________

Employer Employee