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114 Hedge Lane,

Wi1lowhampton. 15th December, 197. . .

Dear Sirs,

We enclose a statement of account up to 30th November, from which you will see that you owe us £247 for goods delivered in October. As you will know, our conditions of sale stipulate payment as_net_thirty days.

An early settlement would be appreciated.

Yours faithfully,

Michael Williamson for Chief Accountant harper & grant ltd.

Crosby & Turner Ltd.,

114 Hedge Lane,

Willowhampton. 9th January, 197.

Dear Sirs,

We have had no reply from you concerning the statement of account sent on 15th December, and conclude that our letter of that date must have gone astray. We enclose a duplicate of our letter, and statement to which we ask you to give your earliest attention.

Yours faithfully,

Michael Williamson for Chief Accountant harper & grant ltd.

Crosby & Turner Ltd.,

114 Hedge Lane,

Willowhampton. 3rd February, 197...

Dear Sirs,

We have not yet received payment of your outstanding balance of £247, neither have we received a written acknowledgement of our letters of 15th December and 9th January. On 20th January your Chief Buyer, Mr. J. Hamilton, gave a verbal assurance to our salesman, Mr. B.K. Higgins, that a cheque would be posted to us that day.

We should like to draw your attention to the fact that you have considerably exceeded the term of credit usually allowed. We must, therefore, insist on receiving payment by 10th~February . Failing this, we shall have no alternative but to referjtjie matter to our solicitors.

Yours faithfully,

William Buckhurst

Company Secretary






syn. Cover

insurance against all risks

blanket insurance

insurance company

to insure

syn. to cover

to take out a policy

to be insured with a syndicate of

Lloyds underwriters

1) страхование

2) страховой полис

страхование от всех рисков

страховой полис, покрывающий

все страховые случаи; генеральный


страховая компания

страховать(ся), застраховать(ся)

быть застрахованным в синдикате«Ллойдс»

2. insurer

syn. underwriter

страховщик, страховое общество

3. insurant


4 insurance broker

страховой маклер

5. insurance policy

all loss or damage policy

all risks policy

comprehensive policy

страховой полис

полис страхования от любой утраты или


полис страхования от всех рисков

полис всеобъемлющего страхования

6. premium

страховая премия, страховой взнос

7. adjuster

диспашер, специалист по оценке убытков по общей аварии и их распределению

между участниками рейса

8. the injured party

потерпевшая сторона

9. to put in a claim

предъявить требование о возмещении

понесенных убытков

10. to meet the claim

удовлетворить требование о возмещении

11. write-off

a complete write-off

списанное имущество

полностью подлежащий списанию


damage to the goods

to cause damage

ущерб, вред, повреждение(я)

повреждение товаров

причинить ущерб

13. damages

возмещение ущерба, денежное возмещение

14. to salvage

Спасти что-либо из уцелевшего имущества

15. insured value

застрахованная стоимость, страховая оценка

16. to be held responsible/liable

нести ответственность

17. in transit

во время транспортировки

18. negligence

халатность, небрежность

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