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Present Perfect никогда не употребляется:

а) если есть обстоятельства, указывающие на время соверше­ния действия в прошлом (ago, last, с придаточными предложения­ми времени). В этих случаях употребляется Past Indefinite: I never met him when I lived in Kent. He went to bed at 11 o'clock. I was in London last year.

б) в специальных вопросах, начинающихся со слова «when» When did you see Tom?

The Past Perfect Tense

Прошедшее совершенное время образуется с помощью вспомо­гательного глагола «to have» в форме Past Indefinite и причастия 2 смыслового глагола.

Past Perfect употребляется:

1) Для выражения действия, которое совершалось ранее дру­гого действия в прошлом, выраженного в Past Indefinite: When I came, Pete had already gone. Когда я пришел, Пит уже уехал. Не remembered he had left the key at home. Он вспомнил, что оставил ключ дома.

2) Для выражения действия, которое совершилось к данному моменту в прошлом. Этот данный момент выражается такими сло­вами, как by that time — к тому времени, by 3 o'clock — к трем часам и т. п. или это ясно из контекста: I came at 2 o'clock. He had studied by that time.When I met him, he was 29. He had served in the army. Past Perfect переводится на русский язык глаголом в прошед­шем времени совершенного, а иногда (в зависимости от контекста) несовершенного вида, часто со словом «уже»: We had seen the play before we discussed it. Мы смотрели (просмотрели) пьесу, прежде, чем обсудить ее.

The Future Perfect Tense

Будущее совершенное время образуется с помощью вспомогательного глагола «to have» в форме Future Indefinite и причастия 2 смыслового глагола: I'll have looked through the article by 12 o'clock. Future Perfect употребляется:

1) для выражения будущего действия, которое совершится ра­нее другого будущего времени: Before you come I shall have done all the work. До того, как ты придешь, я уже сделаю всю работу.

2) для выражения будущего действия, которое совершится к данному моменту в будущем, c такими словами, как by that time, by the end of the month: By the end of the week I shall have finished the translation. На русский язык Future Perfect переводится глаголом в буду­щем времени совершенного вида, часто со словом «уже»: By 8 o'clock I'll have had dinner. К 8 часам я уже пообедаю.

Text 11 Meals

My family isn't large. It consists of four members. But each member of our family has his own tastes and interests. For example, my brother is fond of sports. So early in the morning he goes jogging. That's why he has nothing to eat before it, because it would be bad for him to eat before exercises. But when he comes back, he has a shower and is more than ready for breakfast. He always needs a cup of coffee to really wake him up. His breakfast usually consists of a bowl of cereal with milk and sugar. This he follows by toasts and juice. My father eats the same as my brother. My mother has a lighter breakfast of just youghurt and a grapefruit. It goes without saying that I prefer to have meals at home. At the weekend I like to get up late and have a good breakfast of scrambled eggs, or pancakes, or something like that. Sometimes we go to McDonald's. I like everything there: cheeseburgers, hamburgers and Big Macs, apple pies and fruit cocktails. But unfortunately we can't afford to go there very often, because it's rather expensive for a family and besides, they say it's not very healthy to eat at McDonald's. But on weekdays I'm always short of time in the morning. So I just have a cup of strong tea or coffee and a couple of sandwiches. And my mother sometimes scolds me for it, because it's im­portant to have a really good breakfast.

We don't have our main meal at lunch time. My father takes sandwiches with him to work. To be healthy, he also eats fruit. My mother is able to be more varied in her lunches, because she is a housewife. It means that she can prepare what she likes. Her favourite dish is roast meat. As she likes to bake, there is always something tasty at home. Our evening meal is usually eaten at 7 o'clock. The main course is often meat with vegetables. Sometimes we eat pizza or spaghetti with delicious sauce. We try to eat our main meal together. In our busy lives it is the only time of day when we sit down and have a good talk.

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