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1. Why can solvents be used for receiving post effects of visual hallucinations?

2. What are solvents?

3. Why is there a risk of suffocation for people sniffing solvents?

4. What are drugs? What kind of drugs do you know?

5. What naturally occurring drugs do you know?

6. Why do people use drugs?

7. Is AIDS very contagious disease in comparison with other Viruses?

8. Who and when identified the virus?

9. What is HIV? What rare capacity for viruses has HIV?

10.Does HIV kill the carrier instantly? Can HIV kill human body itself?


glue клей

to sniff нюхать

hallucination галлюцинация

nail polish remover жидкость для снятия лака

gas lighter fuel газ для заправки зажигалок

vapour пар

to inhale вдыхать

to feel dizzy, light-headed испыты­вать головокружение

tremendous огромный

index показатель

substance вещество, субстанция

suffocation удушье

to become (past became, p.p. become) unconscious поте­рять сознание

extremely крайне

solvent addiction токсикомания

to prohibit запрещать

illegal незаконный

legislation законодательство

to abuse злоупотреблять

drugs наркотики

mankind человечество

youth молодежь

substance вещество

supervision зд. лечение, предписание

to treat лечить

illness болезнь

crude сырой

ecstasy экстази

LSD (lysergic acid diethylamide) ЛСД

insidious коварный

incurable неизлечимый

contagious заразный

measles корь

hepatitis В гепатит Б

to invade вторгаться

white blood cells белые кровяные тельца

lymphocytes лимфоциты

retrovirus ретровирус


gene ген


trigger «пусковой механизм»

to replicate размножаться

the initial infection первоначальное инфицирование

latent period латентный (скрытый) период

to harbour зд. иметь, носить

dormant спящий

yeast зд. грибок

toxoplasmosis токсоплазмоз

cytomegalovirus цитомегаловирус, ЦМВ

massive herpes infections тяжелая форма герпеса


- Well, Ken, if you ask me, there is too much to complain about being young. It can really be hard sometimes, especially when your parents hardly ever leave you alone.

- You’re telling me! I quite like my Mum and Dad, but they are always ready to criticise me.

- Oh, it’s really bad. Frankly, I’m having a big argument with my parents at the moment. I ask them to buy me a motorbike, but they say I can’ ride one.

- Although, sometimes it’s just the opposite. See, I’m 17. And I can join the army, right? But I’m not allowed to see war films, because they say they are too violent.

- That’s really unfair. Actually, when we go on a train or bus, we are adults. I have to pay full price for the ticket.

- I can understand how you feel. I can have a partr-time job and get some money.

- Hey, don’t talk about money. I don’t even have enough to cover my daily expenses. I can’t wait till I leave school and get a full-time job.

- Oh, no. That would really come as a shock for my parents, they want me to study further.

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