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Text a. Student’s working day

My alarm-clock wakes me up at half past six every morning and it’s time for me to get up. I turn my radio on and do my morning exercises to the music. Then I wash my face, clean my teeth, do my hair, dress and have my breakfast. It may be a cup of strong coffee or tea with sandwiches. After breakfast I go to the Academy.

Our classes and lectures begin at 8 sharp and I always come in time.

I live far from the Academy, so I take a tram or a bus. It takes me thirty minutes to get there. Sometimes I go there on foot. Every day we have six or eight hours of lectures and practical classes according to the time-table of the group. After the lectures we have practical classes and seminars where we discuss actual problems in different subjects. In the first year among a variety of subjects we study botany, as we should know everything about medicinal plants . To know the properties of substances, their reactions and their compounds we spend much time in the chemical laboratory.

Sometimes we work in different buildings, it takes us time to get from one building to another. During large intervals I have dinner. Usually I have a snack in the student’s canteen. Like many other students I take part in the work of the student scientific society, where we carry on research work on actual problems in different sciences. The research work of students is closely inter-linked with the educational process. It helps the students to fathom pharmacy and broaden their knowledge.

To achieve good results in this work we have to consult special scientific literature, to study new methods of research, to make experiments and discuss the results of our work at annual student’s scientific conferences. From time to time I have to stay at the Academy after my classes. I go to the reading hall to get ready for my practical classes or to write a report. As a rule I have no free time on my week-days.

I go home in the evening, have a substantial supper and have a short rest. I read books, listen to the music, sometimes I watch TV or go for a walk.

Twice a week I go to the Academy in the evening to play volleyball. I’m a member of the academy volleyball team and we have our training rather late.

Before going to bed I review some material in different subjects. So, by the end of my working day I get very tired. At about eleven I go to bed .

Reading Comprehension and Vocabulary Exercises

Ex. 1. Replace the Russian words and words combinations by English equivalents in the correct form:

1. Pharmacy students take part in the work of (студенческое научное общество). 2. They carry on (научно-исследовательская работа) in the chemical laboratories. 3. The research work of students is closely inter-linked with (учебный процесс). 4. Research work helps the students (постигать фармацию). 5. To study well we have to (много работать). 6. If I have free time, I (обсуждать новости с друзьями). 7. Pharmacy students have to know everything about (лекарственные растения ). 8. During large intervals I (обедать). 9. Our classes and lectures begin (ровно в 8 часов ). 10. To get to the Academy I usually (ездить на трамвае или ходить пешком ). 11. In the chemical laboratories we (делать эксперименты ). 12. To achieve good results we have to (изучать литературу). 13.I go home in the evening, (плотно ужинать).and have a short rest 14.Before going to bed I (просматривать материал) 15. (В будние дни ) I get up at 7 o’clock.

Ex. 2. Express the following in English:

1. Я - студент первого курса фармацевтической академии. 2. Лекции и практические занятия в академии начинаются ровно в 8 часов. 3. В будние дни я встаю в 7 часов, делаю утреннюю зарядку, умываюсь и завтракаю. 4. . После завтрака я иду в академию. 5. Это занимает у меня 15 минут. 6. Каждый день у нас шесть или восемь часов лекций и практических занятий согласно расписанию группы. 7. На семинарах мы обсуждаем актуальные проблемы по различным дисциплинам. 8. В химических лабораториях мы проводим эксперименты, изучаем свойства веществ, их реакции и соединения. 9. Чтобы хорошо учиться нам приходится много работать. 10. Кроме того, я принимаю участие в работе научного студенческого общества. 11. Эта работа помогает студентам постигать фармацию и расширять свои знания. 12. По вечерам я нахожу время для спорта. 13. Я хорошо играю в теннис. 14. Я часто готовлюсь к занятиям в читальном зале, домой прихожу вечером. 15. Если у меня есть свободное время, я просматриваю газеты, читаю, смотрю телепередачи или хожу в кино.

Ex. 3. Look through the text and state what it has to say on the following points:

1)Morning of the pharmacy student, 2)getting to the higher school, 3)daily work at the higher school, 4)work in the chemical laboratories, 5)Student Scientific Society, 6)going in for sports, 7)at home (evening).

Ex. 4. Answer the following questions:

1. What higher school do you study at? 2. When do you usually get up on week-days? 3. What do you do in the morning? 4. When do your classes and lectures begin? 5. How many lectures and classes have you a day? 6. Do you live far from the Academy? 7. Do you go on foot or take a tram to get to the Academy? 8. How much time does it take you to get there? 9. What problems do you discuss at your seminars? 10. Why do you study botany? 11. What do you do in the chemical laboratories? 12. Do you take part in the work of the Student Scientific Society? 13. What do you do to achieve good results in research work? 14. What kind of sport do you go in for? 15. What do you usually do in the evening? 16. When do you go to bed?

Ex. 5. Practise reading the following dialogue and memorize it :

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