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Text a the stavropol region

The Stavropol Region is one of Russia's best agricultural regions. It is located north of the Caucasus mountains and stretches from the Krasnodar region on the west almost to the Caspian Sea. The south-western part of Russia, you can visit a unique region with the steppe landscape dominated by 17 developed volcanoes. The enormous power of underground magma could only elevate several segments of the earth's upper layers and made dome-like peaks. Famous balneological resorts are situated in this area: Pyatigorsk, Essentuky, Zheleznovodsk and the climatic resort Kislovodsk. These resorts have become widely known due to the availability of various types of mineral waters.

The proximity of the Main Caucasian Ridge in the South and drought steppes in the north of the Black and Azov Seas in the west and Caspian Sea in the east affects the climate and weather of the Caucasian spas. Here we find a combination of the continental and the sea climate. There is an international airport in Stavropol and in MineralnyVody. The latter can accept airliners of all types. Railway communication between the Stavropol Territory and other parts of Russia is earned out through the mainline "Kavkazskaia - Tihoretskaia - Rostov-on-Don". The main freight flow goes through the railway mainline "Budionnovsk - Neftekumsk - Kochubei". Its length amounts to 240 km. and it provides direct access to Transcaucasia and the Middle East.

Stavropol Territory is famous for medicinal mineral and mud springs. Mineral springs like Narzan, which won the highest prize on the international exhibition in Reims, France. Essentuky-4, Essentuky-17, Essentuky-40, Mashuk, Slavyanovskaia and Smimovskaia are famous worldwide. This area, very rich in springs, a world famous recreational complex, which is called Kavkazskie MineralnyVody (KMV). It includes such towns as Pyatigorsk, Kislovodsk, Essentuky and Zheleznovodsk. On this relatively small territory of health resorts. Abundance of sun, transparency and cleanness of mountain air, luxurious flora and mineral springs made this place a famous resort.

There are more than 100 sanatoriums and boarding houses in the Stavropol Territory. They are situated in picturesque locations at the foothills of the Caucasus Mountains. Their accommodation capacity is more than 26000 people and they successfully treat a wide range of common diseases of the nervous system, alimentary canal, liver, bilious canals, cardio-vascular and endocrine systems, as well as skin and motor systems. KMV health resorts' capacity amounts to one million patients a year. On completing the course of treatment, people feel energetic and healthy. High quality service and medical treatment exceed the required standards. Unforgettable landscape adorned by high peaks of the Main Caucasus Range with its two-headed giant Elbrus calls forth a rapid development of tourism.

Reading Comprehension and Vocabulary Exercises

Ex. 1. Complete the following sentences:

1. The Stavropol Region located north of the … and stretches from the … on the west almost to the … . 2. The enormous power of … could only elevate several segments of the … and made dome-like peaks. 3. The proximity of the … in the South and drought steppes in the north of … Seas in the west and … in the east affects the climate and weather of the … . 4. Mineral springs like …, which won the highest prize on the . in Reims, France. 5. … and mineral springs made this place a famous resort. 6. … are situated in picturesque locations at the foothills of the …. 7. On completing the course of treatment, people feel … . 8. High quality service and … exceed the required standards. 9. The main … the railway mainline "Budionnovsk - Neftekumsk - Kochubei". 10. This area, very rich in springs, houses a … which is called Kavkazskie MineralnyVody (KMV).

Ex. 2. Express the following in English.

1. Ставропольский Край – один из лучших сельскохозяйственных регионов России. 2. Известные бальнеологические курорты расположены на территории Ставропольского края : Пятигорск, Железноводск и Ессентуки, и климатический курорт Кисловодск. 3. Эти курорты стали широко известными благодаря наличием различных типов минеральных вод. 4. Международные аэропорты находятся в Ставрополе и в Минеральных Водах 5. Ставропольский Край известен своими минеральными и грязевыми источниками. 6. Кавказские Минеральные Воды включает такие города как Пятигорск, Железноводск, Ессентуки, Кисловодск 7. Изобилие солнца, чистота горного воздуха, роскошная флора и минеральные источники сделало это место известным курортом. 8. На территории Ставропольского Края находится больше чем 100 санаториев и пансионатов. 9. Здесь люди могут вылечить такие болезни нервной системы, пищеварительного тракта, печени, желчных протоков, сердечно-сосудистых и эндокринных систем. 10. После завершения курса лечения, люди чувствуют себя энергичными и здоровыми.

Ex. 3. Look through the text and discuss the following points:

  • geographical position of Caucasian Mineral Waters:

  • the international airport:

  • Stavropol Region is famous for its medicinal mineral and mud springs:

  • tourism and recreation of the Stavropol Region

  • famous balneological resorts.

Ex. 4. Answer the following question.

1. Where is Caucasian Mineral Waters situated? 2. What are the famous balneological resorts is located there? 3. What is the climate on the territory of Stavropol Region? 4. What is KMV famous for? 5. Are there any sanatoriums and boarding houses in the Stavropol Region? Prove that. 6. What kinds of diseases can people treat thee? 7. What kinds of mineral springs do you know? 8. Is it popular to have a rest on KMV? 9. What is the atmosphere of the resort area? Is it beautiful place? Prove that.

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