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Oral Speech Practice Exercises

Ex.5. Practise reading the following flashes of conversation:

Mike - Hello, Bill. Haven’t seen you for ages.

Bill - Hello, Mike. Glad to see you. How are you getting on?

Mike - Fine, thanks. And how are you?

Bill - It’s raining. I’m upset.

Mike - Cheer up. Tomorrow it will be lovely: warm and sunny.

I’m going to go into the forest. There are a lot of snowdrops


Bill - Could you take me with? I like to collect different

medicinal plants.

Mike - Well, but you should collect medicinal plants in proper


Bill - All right then. I’ll simply collect flowers for my sister.

Mike - See you soon.

Bill - Bye.

Ex.6. Comprise similar flashes of conversation using words and word combinations from the text “Medicinal Plants”:

nice to meet you; how are you getting on; cheer up; snowdrops; lily of the valley; chamomile; rose; rosemary; chickweed; yarrow; coltsfoot; St John’s Wort; to be going to do something; to take somebody with; to collect medicinal plants; leaves; fruits; in proper time; to stimulate stomach action; to relieve inflammation; to heal cuts; to reduce body temperature; sore throats.

Ex.7. Prove that:

- you like to collect different medicinal plants;

- foxgloves and poppies are not magic plants;

- many herbal plants used almost every day in cooking to flavour

food are very useful;

- you know how to treat different wounds and prevent infections

with the help of medicinal plants;

- your collection of medicinal plants is the best one;

- medicinal plants help your sister (brother, friend) to keep her

(his) health.

Ex.8. Read the text and be ready:

a) to discuss the following points:

  1. Your walks in the forest.

  2. Your favourite plant.

  3. A great variety of plants used in treatment of certain diseases.

b) to give a short summary of the text B:

T ext b my favourite plant

When I was a small boy my family often went for a walk into the forest. We also like to do it now. My mother collects different flowers because they are very beautiful. My father is a doctor. He tells me a lot about the kingdom of plants. He cures us of many illnesses with the help of medicinal herbs.

My favourite plant is lily of the valley. Its flowers are white and small. They have a pleasant sweet odour. I like to bring them home or present to somebody in spring. Lily of the valley is also a medicinal plant. For its properties it is used in treatment of cardiac diseases.

I’m very careful when I collect and dry lily of the valley. I usually collect it when the flowers are open. Its leaves have many important constituents. That’s why they are widely used in herbal medicine. The best time for collecting lily of the valley is late spring.

Lily of the valley is mostly used as infusion. In folk medicine it’s known as a cure of stomach disorders and fever. I advise you to use it in order to keep your health. By the way you can enjoy its beauty in spring forests.

I can tell you that some plants have not only curative effect on human body. Even now medicine uses effective drugs derived from ancient herbs. Some of them once had sinister reputation. The Roman Emperor Claudius was poisoned with beladonna, Hamlet’s father with henbane and Romeo with aconite. But mild doses of beladonna and henbane have muscle relaxing effects. Aconite helps in medical treatment of rheumatism.


to cure of smth. [kjuə] вылечивать от чего-либо

illness [ilnis] нездоровье, болезнь

lily of the valley [lili væli] ландыш

to be careful [kεəfəl] быть осторожным,


constituents [konstitjuənts] компоненты

widely [waidli] широко

mostly [məustli] главным образом

infusion [infju:ζn] настой

folk medicine [fəuk] народная медицина

to advise [ə dvaiz] советовать

to enjoy [indзoi] наслаждаться, любоваться

sinister [sinistə] злой, дурной

Claudius [kla:djəs] Клавдий

to poison [poizn] отравлять

aconite [akəunait] аконит

henbane [henbein] белена (чёрная)

muscle [mΛsl] мускул, мышца

to relax [rilæ ks] расслабляться

rheumatism [ru:mətizm] ревматизм

Ex.9. Answer the following questions using the given example:

Have you ever heard that after the 1st World War the poppy became a symbol of peace? - Yes, I have already heard that after the 1st Word War the poppy ...

- No, I have never heard that ...

Have you ever heard that ...

  • poppy seeds germinate after having been burried for 24 years?

  • sunflower was carved on ancient Inca temples?

  • a Frenchman Nicot by name brought tobacco plant to France?

  • gum was brought to Egypt in the 17th century B.C.?

  • gum is obtained from the stem and branches of Acacia senegal tree?

  • the Roman Emperor Claudius was poisoned with beladonna?

  • anaemia may be cured with the help of parsley?

  • thousands of slaves working on the great Cheops pyramid used garlic in food daily?

Ex.10. Speak on: 1. Medicinal Plants as a Source of Drugs.

2. Your Favourite Plant and its in Medicine.

using information of the two texts.

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