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Oral Speech Practice Exercises

Ex. 5. Practise reading the following flashes of conversation:

Henry: Hello George.

George: Good day. How are you?

Henry: Fine thanks.

George: Haven’t seen you for ages. Have you been away?

Henry: Yes. I have just returned from my holiday.

George: Where did you go for your holiday?

Henry: Well, My wife and I made a tour of Caucasian Mineral Waters.

George: How very interesting! I was just going to ask your advice about a visit there. You see, my wife is a historian, and she is interested in such places and towns.

Henry: There are lots of architectural monuments and buildings in Pyatigorsk, Kislovodsk, and so on. For instance, there is a wooden Mikhailov gallery in the Moorish style built by the architect S. Upton (1846-1848), stony Academicheskaya gallery in the style of the late classicism (1848-1851), as well Tsvetnic, buildings of the Pushkin, the Pirogov baths, the theatre, a rotunda pavilion Eolova Arfa (Aeolian Harp) on the spur of Mount Mashuk (1831); Diana’s Grotto with Dorian columns (1830-1831). And some more interesting places.

George: That sounds interesting. I’ll tell to the wife about it. Thanks a lot. Your advice was most helpful.

Henry: It’s pleasure Good bye.

George: See you later, bye.

Ex. 6. Comprise the similar flashes of conversation using words and word combinations from the text “Pyatigorsk”.

Ex. 7. Prove that:

  1. Pyatigorsk is famous for its mineral springs and medical mud.

  2. Pyatigorsk is a historical town.

  3. Pyatigorsk is a health resort

  4. There are a lot of sights in Pyatigorsk.

Ex. 8. Read the text and be ready: a) to answer the questions below;

b) to give a summery of the text B.

Text d the sights of pyatigorsk

Pyatigorsk and other towns of the Caucasian Mineral Waters are rich by places connected with M. Lermontov, a great Russian poet.

Museum “Lermontov house”. A House keeps memory about M. Lermontov, about last days of his life. An exposition has the representational material: pictures, documents, letters and illustrations of the artists on subjects of products of the poet, picture and figures of the poet executed by best copylists, monument of M. Lermontov. In historic down-town of Pyatigorsk there is a small square carrying a name of the poet with the monument of this great man.

Grotto of Lermontov. There is a cave inside the rock on Mashuk, against the Academic gallery, in which the poet went to have a rest very often in 1837. this calm and silent place was described in his novel “The hero of our time”.

Grotto of Diana. It situated in the park Tsvetnic. The grotto represents large artificial cave. A grotto have named in honour of the hunt goddess. In July 8, 1841 under the Lermontov initiative a large bal was organized in the Grotto. The participants wrote a lot about it.

Eagle. Bronze eagles, the second emblem of resorts, are established in each city of the Caucasian Mineral Waters. In Pyatigorsk such eagle is a symbol of curative Pyatigorie and it is on a mountain Goriachaia (The Hot).

The Lermontov gallery. It is in the park Tsvetnic. The gallery is taken out from the Nizhniy Novgorod fair. Now it serves as a place for exhibition.

Proval. One of the most famous health resorts of the Caucasus is the Pyatigorsky Crevice. The Proval is situated on the South mountainside of the Mashuk Mountain, east of Pyatigorsk. The narrow horizontal tunnel, which is 43.8 meters long, leads in the depths of the mountain. There is a big underground cave in the end of the tunnel. In the south – east of the cave there is a charming small lake. The blue-green water of the lake illuminated with lightning of the sky that can be seen through the tunnel fills the cave with amazing soft blue color. The crack located at the bottom supplies the lake with mineral water. The hot healing water of the lake, whose temperature runs up to 40°C helps to cure different diseases. The Pyatigorsky Proval has been a popular health resort since olden times. Scientists suppose that there was a Scythian site in the town of Pyatigorsk. Scythian tombs were found in the caves of the Mashuk Mountain. It proves the fact that nomads in ancient times knew about the healing properties of hot springs. Pushkin, Lermontov and Leo Tolstoy visited the Pyatigorsky Crevice. In Lermontov’s time, thrill seekers came down into the cave through the tunnel with the means of a rope and basket to swam in the underground lake.

The Legend of Pyatigorsky Crevice. Natives of this region feared the Pyatigorsky Proval. They thought that a horrible winged, fire-breathing dragon lived in the depths of the Mashuk Mountain. By night the dragon flew out of the cave and hunted for people. Some of them the dragon carried into the cave, the others were devoured as soon as the dragon caught them. It’s possible that steam from the hot lake that rose through the tunnel resembled the dragon breathing fire. The locals only stopped believing in the existence of the dragon in 1858, when tunneling broke through to the hot underground lake.

Park of culture and rest. There is a park in Pyatigorsk. There you can find lake, stadium, summer cinema and differ amusements. Pyatigorsk has mainly buildings having the beautiful and well kept architectural ensemble. They are building Lermontov, Ermolovskie, Pushkinskie, Pirogovskie Baths, mud and radon clinic, mineral sources and certainly.

The medical factors of a resort. Nature has awarded generously the curative sources of Pyatigorsk. Pyatigorsk occupies the first place in the world on riches and variety of mineral sources. The resort has various scale of the medical factors, that allows to treat various diseases.


  1. execute выполнять, исполнять

  2. participants участник

  3. ensemble [a:n`sa:mbl] группа, ансамбль

  4. Crevice [krevi:s] щель

  5. illuminate освещать

  6. Scythian site [siðiən] скифские места

  7. tomb надгробный памятник

  8. thrill дрожь

  9. devour жадно есть, глотать.

  10. nomand [`nəuməd] кочевник, бродяга

1. What are the emblems of Pyatigorsk? 2. What do you know about legend of Pyatigorsky Proval?. 3. Whom many places in Pyatigorsk connected with? 4. What can you tell about famous places in Pyatigorsk? 5. What diseases can be treated in the resort?


(Составитель: преп. Анкудинов Н.Н.)

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