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Reading Comprehension and Vocabulary Exercises

Ex. 1. Complete the following sentences:

1. My name is ... . 2. My family lives in ... 3. We like … together. 4. In … I left the ... and entered ... . 5. My future speciality is ... , because I think it is … . 6. I passed ... . 7. I am a ... . 8. I live in a ... and get … . 9. My favourite subject is ... . 10. I try to learn … because … . 11. I am sure that sport … . 12. I am good at ... . 13. We are all … group. 14. Our teachers are …, they often help us in … . 15. I want to become … .

Ex. 2. Express the following in English:

1. Меня зовут ... . 2. Моя семья живет в небольшом городе Ставропольского края. 3.Мы любим проводить время вместе: мы читаем книги и газеты, слушаем музыку или просто обсуждаем события дня. 4. Я люблю животных, у меня есть собака и кошка. 5. В этом году я сдал(а) конкурсные вступительные экзамены по химии, биологии и литературе и поступил(а) в фармацевтическую академию... . 6. Я хочу помогать людям, у которых проблемы со здоровьем. 7. Мне было не очень трудно справиться со вступительными экзаменами. 8. Я получил(а) отличные оценки и был(а) зачислен(а) в академию. 9. Я – первокурсник(ца). 10. Как и многие другие студенты, я живу в общежитии и получаю стипендию. 11. Я считаю, что химия и биология – самые важные предметы для будущих провизоров. 12. Студенты нашей академии имеют все возможности для учёбы и занятий спортом. 13. Я хорошо играю в волейбол. 14. Жизнь студента – очень интересная и увлекательная. 15. Наши преподаватели – строгие, но справедливые. 16. Я надеюсь стать хорошим специалистом.

Ex. 3. Look through the text and state what it has to say on the following points:

1. Your family. 2. Entrance exams. 3. Reasons for the choice of pharmacy as your future speciality. 4.The first year of study. 5. Sport in your life. 6. Students’ life.

Ex. 4. Answer the following questions:

1.What is your name? 2. Where does your family live? 3. What are your parents? 4. When did you leave the secondary school? 5. What higher school did you enter? 6. Why did you choose pharmacy as your future speciality? 7. Was it difficult for you to cope with the entrance examinations? 8. Where do you live? 9. Are you a first-year student or a second-year student? 12. Do you get grants? 13. What subjects do the first-year students study at the pharmaceutical higher schools? 14. Is it difficult to study at the Academy? 15. What are your favourite subjects at the Academy?. 16 What kind of sports are you good at? 17. Is the students’ life interesting? Why? 18. Do you like to study here?

Speech Practice Exercises Ex. 5. Practise reading the following flashes of conversation


A.: Pleased to meet you. My name is Ann and yours?

N.: I’m Natalie. I am very glad to share a room with you in the hostel. I think we’ll get on well, shan’t we?

A.: I hope so. What year student are you?

N.: I’m a first-year student. I’m only 17. And you?

A.: I am a second-year student. You see, I entered the Academy after the medical college. So I’ll be 22 in two days.

N.: My best congratulations, Ann. And what place do you come from?

A.: My parents live in Georgievsk. My father is a doctor and my mother is a book-keeper. I am the only child in our family. And have you got brothers or sisters?

N.: Oh, we are four in the family. I have both parents, an elder brother and a younger sister. The remarkable thing is that we practically never quarrel. A bit later I’ll show you my album, if you don’t mind.

A.: With pleasure.


A.: There are many photos in your album, Natalie. Could you tell me what relations you have with the people in the pictures?

N.: All right. Look here. This is our family photo on the first page. This is my father, mother, brother, sister and me.

A.: Oh, your parents look very young. How old are they?

N.: My father is 40 and my mother is 38. She is a teacher of biology.

A.: And your father? On this photo he is in a white gown. Is he a doctor?

N.: He is a pharmaceutist and works at the chemist’s. And this is the picture of my grandparents.

A.: And whose photo is this?

N.: This is my father’s elder sister. Aunt Olga is 50, she has a grown-up daughter Helen. My cousin is married and has children of her own. These are my nephews. Look here! This is Helen’s wedding photo. Isn’t it nice?

A.: Very beautiful! The couple is very happy and loving. And what a fine dress the bride wears on!

N.: And can you recognize me in this baby?

A.: It’s hardly possible. You are crying bitterly but your mother is happy.

Ex. 6. Comprise similar flashes of conversation using words and word combinations from the text ‘About Myself’.

Ex. 7. Prove that:

a) you are a student now;

b) your family is very united;

c) Students’ life is very interesting and exciting.

Ex. 8. Read the text and be ready:

to answer questions below;

to give a short summary of the text B.

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