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Text a. My day-off

Most of people in our country work five days a week but students and pupils work six day. They have only one day off.

My day off (or free day) is Sunday. I like this day very much. On Sunday 1 get up later than usually, at 9 o'clock. On Sunday I prepare my breakfast myself. Then I help my parents to clean our flat. I dust a furniture and clean carpets with the duster. It is my part of doing up.

In the middle of the day my family have dinner together. At the table we discuss our problems for the next week.

The second part of Sunday I usually spend for leisure. Sometimes I switch on TV and choose the program I like best. Also I see video films with video recorder. Television help me to see different lands, countries, unusual animals.

If I want to go out, I go to a cinema, a theatre or a museum. There are a lot of them in our town, and it is often difficult for me to decide where to go in the evening.

In fine weather I also like to be out of town. I meet my friends and we find nice place somewhere in the forest or on the bank of the river. We lie in the sun, play different games and swim. In winter my friend and I often go to the skating-rink. Skating is my favourite kind of sport, but I like to ski too.

When weather is bad or a good film is on I go to the cinema. I like to go to the theatre to see a play, opera, or ballet, or go to a concert hall and a circus, only if I can book a ticket.

In the evening all the members of our family get together. We have a supper, make plans for tomorrow, read books. Reading is my hobby. Sometimes we receive guests at our place or go for a walk. I enjoy my days off very much.

Reading Comprehension and Vocabulary exercises.

Ex. 1. Complete the following sentences:

1. Most of people in our country work … but students and pupils work six day. 2. On Sunday I prepare my … then I help my parents … . 3. I … and … with the duster. 4. At the table we … for the next week. 5. Sometimes I switch on TV and … I like best. 6. Television helps me …, unusual animals. 7. There are a lot of them in our town, and it is often … where to go in the evening. 8. We lie in the sun… and swim. 9. When weather …a good film is on I go to the cinema. 10 We have a supper, and …, read books.

Ex. 2. Express the following in English.

1. У меня единственный выходной день – воскресенье. 2. после обеда мы собираемся вместе и строим планы на следующий выходной день. 3. Также я просматриваю видеофильмы на выходных. 4. Если я захочу выйти в город, то пойду или в кино или в музей. 5. Если погода хорошая мы с друзьями идем в лес. 6. Зимой мы с друзьями часто ходим на каток. 7. Катание на коньках – это мой любимый вид спорта. 8.Если я заказываю билет, то тогда я посещаю музей или картинную галерею.9, Иногда мы встречаем гостей дома. 10. Я почти всегда довольна тем, как я провел(а) свой выходной.

Ex. 3. Look through the text and discuss the following points:

1)The day-off of the pharmacy student, 3) housework duties, 4)student’s leisure time at home, 5)going out to the town during your day-off 6)going in for sports,

Ex. 4. Answer the following questions.

1. Which day of week is your day off? 2. When do you get up on your day off? 3. What do you usually do after you get up on Sunday? 4. How do you usually spend your free time? 5. Do you go to the cinema or to the theatre9 6. Do you go to the Institute or school on Sunday? 7. Where did you go last Sunday? 8. You sometimes go to the stadium to see a football or a hockey match, don't you? 9. How often do you watch TV? 10. What do you usually do in the evening? 11. Do you read much on your days-off? 12. How do you spend your days off in summer and in winter? 13. Some people spend their weekend in the country. What about you? 14. What do you usually do when you stay in the country?

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