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1. Be Careful with Medicines at Home.

Keep the medicine in a locked box, on a separate shelf beyond the reach of children.

Read the label before you open the bottle or box. Read the instructions and dose carefully.

Shake the bottle with liquids or the last dose can be too strong.

Keep the medicine in a cold place.

2. Avoid Self-Treatment.

A person who thinks he can cure himself without the doctor’s consultation makes a mistake. There are hundreds of causes of headache and the person doesn’t know what medicine he needs.

He can stop his symptoms but he doesn’t cure the cause of them. The illness may become more serious.

A prescription is usually written for a certain person. Never use medicines prescribed not for you.

3. The Work of a Laboratory Assistant.

A laboratory assistant must remember that the bacteria with which he is working can produce disease. So he must be very careful when he works with cultures, slides and all material that may be in contact with living microorganisms.

When he works at the laboratory he must remember the following rules:

  1. Microscope slides and cover-slips must be put into jars of disinfectant solution.

  2. He must not moisten labels with the tongue.

  3. He must wear a laboratory coat.

  4. He must not eat, drink or smoke in the laboratory.

  5. He must sterilize inoculating needles before and after use. He must heat them in the flame with cultures in test-tube racks.

  6. He must wash his hands before leaving the laboratory.

The laboratory assistant must write down all the work carried out in the laboratory into the laboratory report-book. The notes must be full. All the observations during an experiment must be written down into the report-book. The report must be written in the following form:

  1. Title of the experiment and the date.

  2. The object of the experiment.

  3. The description of the methods used and the names and description of the organisms.

  4. The description of the results.

  5. The conclusion from the results.



to cure




inoculating needle





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Oral topic ecological problems

Pre-text exercises

Ex.1. Practise reading the following words:

pollution [poluζn], vital [ vaitl], thousands [θausəndz], civilization [sivilaizeiζn], nature [ neitζə ], breathing [brəθiŋ], contaminated [kəntəmineitid], spreading [ spri:diŋ], fertilizer [fə tilaizə ], balance [bæləns], consequence [kənsikwəns], generation [dзenəreiζn], dangerous [ deindзərəs], inhabitants [in habitənts], protection [protekn], disaster [dizastə].

Ex.2. Check up if you read these words correctly:

protection, nature, civilization, inhabitants, generation, consequence, breathing, thousands, disaster, balance, pollution, fertilizer, contaminated, spreading, vital, dangerous.

Ex.3. Read and memorize all the word-groups:

1. it seems to me that ... - мне кажется, что ...

... Nature is a living being.

... just breathing the air is very dangerous.

... one of the most important pollution problems is air


... Aral Sea is on the brink of extinction.

  1. the fastest-spreading disease - болезнь, распространяющаяся с наибольшей скоростью.

The poisoning of the world’s land, air and water ... of


The careless treatment of nature ... nowadays.

Rare animal species are dying out. It ... .

The poisoning of medicinal plants with traffic wastes ... .

3. to suffer from ... - страдать от ...

Many cities ... from smog.

Large cities ... smoke industrial enterprises.

Seas ... industrial and nuclear waste.

Ponds ... man’s interference.

4. to be connected with ... - быть связанным с

The second important problem ... water.

All these effects ... the consequences of the Chernobyl disaster.

All these problems ... overpopulation in many cities.

The forests disappearence ... acid rains.

to be filled with something - быть наполненным чем-


They ... poison: fertilizer and pesticides.

Baikal was ... clear water some years ago.

The ponds ... remains of the died plant spicies.

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