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Reading Comprehension and Vocabulary Exercises

Ex.1. Complete the following sentences replacing the Russian words and word combinations by English equivalents in the correct form:

1. Pharmacy students in England (проходят четырёхлетний курс обучения). 2. The Council for National Academic Awards and the Education Committee of the Pharmaceutical Society (несут ответственность за фармобразование) in Universities and Сolleges. 3. If you get good “O”Level results, (вы можете продолжать учиться в школе) until you are 18. 4. If the parents do not earn much many, (их дети получат полную стипендию), which will cover all (их расходы). 5. First year prepharmaceutical studies (включают) Chemistry, Pharmaceutical Biology and Human Biology. 6. (Программа второго курса) includes such subjects as Chemistry of Pharmaceutical Materials, Pharmaceutical Biology and Biochemistry, Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Processes and Preparations. 7. The students of the first and the second year (могут приобретать практический опыт) during long vacations. 8. (Обязательная практика) starts only in the fourth year. 9. Only after a year of practical training and a practical examination in pharmacy specialists are registered as (фармацевты-технологи химики-аналитики, фармацевты-провизоры). 10. Pharmacy graduates have to (заключать трудовые соглашения сами).

Ex.2. Express the following in English:

1. В Англии 18 учебных заведений, обеспечивающих фармобразование. 2. Университеты отбирают студентов после интервью. 3. Стипендия покрывает расходы на обучение. 4. Размер стипендии зависит от доходов родителей студентов. 5. Студенты-фармацевты проходят четырёхлетний курс обучения. 6. На первом курсе они изучают химию, фармацевтическую биологию и биологию (физиологию) человека. 7. Программа второго курса включает такие предметы как химия фармацевтических материалов (сырья), фармацевтическая биология и биохимия, фармакология и фармпроцессы и препараты. 8. После каждого курса обучения у студентов экзаменационная сессия. 9. Обязательный курс практики начинается на четвёртом курсе. 10. Практика выпускников-фармацевтов практически не контролируется. 11. Выпускники-фармацевты не получают назначения на работу в учебном заведении. 12. Они должны заключать трудовые соглашения сами.

Ex.3. Look through the text and state what it has to say on the following points:

1. Educational institutions providing pharmacy education in Great Britain; 2. Different certificates of school leavers; 3.Grants in British higher schools; 4. A course of training of pharmacy students; 5. Practical experience.

Ex.4. Answer the following questions:

1. How many educational Institutions provide education in pharmacy in Great Britain? 2. What organizations are responsible for pharmaceutical education in Universities and Colleges? 3. What certificates may school leavers have? 4. What does a place at university bring with? 5. What does the amount of the grant depend on? 6. How long does a course of training last in England? 7. What subjects do first year pre-pharmaceutical studies comprise? 8. What subjects does the second year syllabus include? 9. What sciences do the third year students of pharmacy study? 10. When do pharmacy students obtain practical pharmaceutical experience? 11. When are pharmacy specialists registered as pharmatechnicians, pharmaceutists and analytical chemists? 12. Do graduates in England get appointments for work? 13. What is the common name for a pharmaceutist in England?

Ex.5. Practise reading the following flashes of conversation:

  • It’s well-known that there are some differences between pharmacy education in Great Britain and that in Russia. Do you know them?

  • Certainly, I do. First of all there are no entrance exams to institutions providing education in Pharmacy in Great Britain. Universities choose their students after interviews and competition for places at University is fierce.

  • Oh, that’s interesting. But in our country school leavers have to take competitive entrance exams in the three or four subjects except those, who finished school with a gold or silver medal.

  • Secondly, pharmacy students in Great Britain take a four-year course of study.

  • I see, and Russian pharmacy students take a five-year course of training.

  • Besides, a course of practice is different. The students of the first and the second year can obtain practical pharmaceutical experience during long vacations, but obligatory practical work starts only in the fourth year.

  • I see the difference. Pharmacy students in our country have compulsory practical training from the first year of study. Thanks a lot for your information.

Ex.6. Compose similar flashes of conversation using words and word combinations from the text “Pharmacy Education in Great Britain.

Ex.7. Prove that:

1. There are no entrance exams to higher educational institutions in Great Britain.

2. Pharmacy students graduate from the University or Pharmacy school practically after the third year.

3. Practical pharmaceutical training is different in Great Britain.

Ex.8. Read the text and be ready:

a) to discuss the following points:

a fresher’s life;

the tutorial system;

housing in British Universities;

b)to give a short summary of the text:

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