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Oral topic: our institute (academy)

Pre-text exercises

Ex. 1. Practise reading the following words:

established [istəbliζ], evacuate [ivkjueit], qualified [kwolifaid], department [dipa:tmnt], correspondence [korispəundəns], faraway [fa:rəwei], chemistry [ kemistri], mathematics [mæθimətiks], microbiology [ maikrəbaiolodзi], biology [baiolodзi], technology [tek nolodзi], medicine [ medsin], vacation [vækeiζn], organization [og nai `zeiζn], section [sekζn], chair [tζεə], research [ri:sətζ], succesfully [sΛk sesfuli], acquire [ ə`kwaiə]

Ex. 2. Check up if you read these words correctly:

correspondence, evacuate, medicine, organization, faraway, section, biology, chemistry, acquire, chair, vacation, qualified, established, department, mathematics, microbiology, research, successfully, technology.

Ex. 3. Read and memorize all the word groups:

  1. to graduate from (a higher school)- заканчивать (вуз)

Мy father. . . from this academy in 1979.

I shall. . . our academy in five years.

He. . . the Moscow State University in 1998.

  1. senior students- студенты старших курсов (начиная с 3 к. )

We are first-year students and they are. . . .

. . . . decided to help us to collect medicinal herbs.

My friends are. . . .

  1. chemist’s shop- аптека

I’d like to work at the . . . .

There is a private. . . near my house.

All . . . in our town are small.

  1. botanical garden- ботанический сад

Pharmacy students have pharmacy practice at. . . .

Last summer I worked at the . . . .

  1. to hold an exam- проводить экзамен

Any higher school. . . on different subjects.

Every term our academy. . . .

  1. twice (a year)- дважды (в год)

She works at the botanical garden. . . .

At any higher school exams are held. . . .

We attended those lectures. . . .

  1. to have opportunities- иметь возможности

Last year we . . . to participate in scientific conference.

They . . . to become highly qualified specialists.

My friends. . . to use original scientific articles in their research.

8. to acquire knowledge-приобретать знания

We have all the opportunities to. . . of pharmacy

It’s necessary to . . . of different subjects.

9. without charge- бесплатно

Books are given. . . in the library.

10. scientific circle- научный кружок.

His father is the member of the . . . of our academy.

There are . . . for students practically at each chair.

Ex. 4. Active vocabulary of the text:

1. to establish -основать

2. to train - обучать, готовить

3. qualified - квалифицированный

4. day department -дневное отделение

5. correspondence department - заочное отделение

6. distant (far-away) -отдаленный

7. to last -длиться

8. prepharmaceutical -общеобразовательный

9. technology of making medicines -технология приготовления


10. pharmacognozy -фармакогнозия

11.vacation -каникулы

12.chair -кафедра

13.to staff -укомплектовывать штат

14.to carry on -выполнять

15.academic work -учебная работа

16.extensive -обширный, большой

17.rather -довольно

18.successfully -успешно

19.to keep -держать, хранить

Ex. 5. Suggest the Russian for:

to be established; to train highly qualified pharmaceutists; to graduate from a higher school; students from abroad; day department; correspondence department; to live in the hostel; the course of training; prepharmaceutical subjects; to have practice at the chemist’s shops; twice a year; academic and research work; scientific circles; extensive research work; rather successfully; without charge; to have the opportunities; to acquire deep knowledge of pharmacy.

Ex. 6. Give the English equivalents of:

общеобразовательные (дофармацевтические) предметы; учебная и научно-исследовательская работа; экзаменационная сессия; проводить экзамены; проходить практику в аптеке; заниматься спортом; научный кружок; довольно успешно; научная конференция; после окончания института; зарубежные студенты; дневное отделение; заочное отделение; готовить высококвалифицированных специалистов; курс обучения; жить в общежитии; получать стипендию; приобретать глубокие знания фармации.

Ex.7.Read and translate the following text:

Соседние файлы в предмете [НЕСОРТИРОВАННОЕ]