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Oral topic: medical care in russia and great britain

Pre-Text Exercises

Ex. 1. Practice reading the following words.

Trouble [`trΛbl], quinsy [`kwinzi], acupuncturist [ækju`pΛktſərist], asthma [æsmə], lung [lΛŋ], surgery [`sədзəri], ear-ache [iəreik], plague [pleig], pneumonia [nju`məunjə], mumps [mΛmps], psychiatrist [sai`kaiətrist], cramp [kræmp], measles [mi:zlz], prophylactics [profi`læktiks], insurance [in`ſu(ə)ns].

Ex. 2. check up if you read these words correctly.

Surgery, lung, trouble, ear-ache, mumps, quinsy, asthma, cramp, plague, measles, pneumonia, insurance, prophylactics, acupuncturist, psychiatrist.

Ex. 3. Read and memorize all the word-groups.

1. To be put on the sick-leave больничный (отпуск по болезни)

He is ill. So he …

… , because she has heart trouble

2. To catch a cold простудиться

It was so cold yesterday, so he …

If you … you have to stay at home

3. To pay medical costs оплачивать медицинские расходы

Most people rely on private health insurance …

4. Chemist’s shop (drugstore) аптека

Most drugs can only be bought from a …

There is a near the corner

5. To put smb through сделать (провести анализы)

The doctor … the necessary tests.

6. To check blood pressure измерить кровяное давление

Every morning the nurse … to the patient

It is necessary to … when the person feel himself badly

7. To examine smb осматривать

the doctor … the man

He was … by the doctor.

8. To make diagnosis ставить диагноз

This doctor has a very good reputation. I think he will … the right … .

It’s necessary put all the tests to … .

Ex. 4. Active Vocabulary of the text

Surgery [sədζəri] Хирургия

Giddy [gidi] Головокружение

Appointment [ə`pointment] Предварительная запись

Sprain [sprein] Растяжение связок

Ambulance [`æmbjuləns] Скорая помощь

Heart trouble [ha:t trΛbl] Болезнь сердца

Symptom [simptə] Симптом

Lung trouble [lΛnŋ trΛbl] Болезнь легких

Ear-ache [iə eik] Отит (ушная боль)

Antibiotics [æntibaiotik] Антибиотики

A sore throat [so: Оəut] Боль в горле

To be wounded [wundid] Быть раненным

To be running temperature повышенная температура

To cough [kΛf] кашлять

Ache, to ache [eik] боль, болеть

Pain, to pain (hurt) [pain] [hə:t] боль, причинять боль

To be ill with болеть чем-либо

To be X-rayed рентген

Heart attack [ha:t ə`tæk]` сердечный приступ

Cancer, tumor [`kænsə] рак

Diabetes [daiə`bi:tiz] диабет

Quinsy [kwinzi] тонзиллит

Mumps [mΛmps] свинка

Pneumonia [nju:məunjə] пневмония

Plague [pleig] чума

The measles [mi:zlz] тошнота

Scarlet fever [ska:lit fi:və] скарлатина

Appendicitis [ə pendi`saitis] аппендицит

Sun stroke [sΛn strəuk] солнечный удар

Asthma [`æsmə] астма

Cramp [kræmp] колики, спазмы, судороги

Ex. 5. Suggest the Russian for:

а network of health resorts; to improve one’s health; to keep fit; to avoid diseases; temporary visitor; the ordinary doctor; to provide medicinal service; to nit a disease; rural areas; infant mortality; sedentary lifestyle; general examination.

Ex. 6. Give the English equivalents of:

факторы риска; социальная медицинская программа; оплачивать медицинские расходы; сидячий образ жизни; медицинские исследования; уровень детской смертности; продолжительность жизни; предписания врача; диагноз; частная клиника; профилактика.

Ex. 7. Read and translate the following text.

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