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Text b. James watt and the tea-kettle.

Long ago in Scotland a boy sat by the fire one day watching the tea-kettle. He noticed a thick cloud of steam rising from it, and soon the cover began to jump up and down. He took off the cover and inside he saw nothing but boiling water.

"What can it be that makes the cover jump?" he asked himself, and decided to find out.

He held a cup above the cloud of steam to see what would happen, and very soon there were some drops of water in the cup. All this was very strange and for some time the boy sat beside the fire and wondered about it.

Suddenly his aunt said, "James, you are such a lazy boy. Take a book and read or do something useful. I shall get angry with you if you waste time in that way."

But the boy was not lazy. At the age of 17 Watt had to begin to make a living. He left home and went to London. He stayed there for a year working and studying. Then he returned home. There he owned a shop where he made and repaired all kinds of things. But all this time he could not forget the steam in the tea-kettle. He thought: "If steam can make the cover on a kettle jump up and down, it can do many other things."

He made up his mind to construct an engine running on steam. People laughed at Watt but he went on working. He was poor and had to work in the little shop to make a living. So it was very difficult for him to put his idea into practice, but still he gave every free minute to his engine.

He worked at the invention of his engine for a long time. He read every book that could help him to understand the nature of steam. He made a lot of experiments and at last the engine was ready.


he saw nothing but boiling water - он не увидел ничего, кроме кипящей воды

cloud [klaud] – облако

What ... makes the cover jump? - Что ... заставляет крышку подпрыгивать?

lazy [´leizi] - ленивый

to wonder [´wΛndə] – интересоваться, размышлять

to see what would happen - чтобы увидеть, что случится

get angry – рассердиться, разозлиться

to waste [weist] – терять даром, тратить впустую

in that way - таким образом

to make a living - зарабатывать на жизнь

to own [əun] - владеть, иметь, обладать

to repair [ri´pεə] - ремонтировать, чинить; исправлять

to make up one's mind - решить

running on steam - который двигался бы при помощи пара

Ex 8. Answer the following questions:.

1. What did James Watt noticed one day? 2. What did he decided to do? 3. What other inventions of James Watt do you know?

Ex 9. Give a short summary of the text B.

Ex 11. Speak on: 1. The greatest British scientist Edward Jenner.

2. The invention of James Watt.


Oral topic: in the chemical laboratory

Pre-text exercises

Ex.1. Practise reading of the following words, translate them in Russian:

course [o :s], chemistry [ kemistri], knowledge [ nolidз ], physical [ fizikl] , usually [ju:зuəli] , equipment [i kwipmənt], demonstration [demonstreiζn], glassware [gla:swεə], general [dзenərəl], use [ju:z], measuring [meзəriŋ], tubes [tjubz], cylinders [silindəz], nitric [naitrik], sulphuric [sΛlfjuərik], potassium [pə`tæsjəm], sodium [səudjəm], phenolphthalein [fi:nolftaliin], methylene [meθilin] , identifying [ai dentifaiiŋ], qualitative [kwoliteitiv], quantitative [kwontitætiv], synthesis [sinθ isiz], juridical [dзuə`ridikəl].

Ex.2. Check up if you read these words correctly:

chemistry, physical, course, usually, knowledge, glassware, use, equipment, general, measuring, demonstration, nitric, tubes, cylinders, methylene, methylene orange, potassium, quantitative, identifying, sulphuric, phenolphthalein, qualitative, juridical, synthesis, sodium.

Ex.3. Read and memorize all the word-groups:

1. a course of training курс обучения

... at any pharmaceutical institute is very interesting.

... at any pharmaceutical institute is impossible without practical

classes in chemistry.

As a rule any ... lasts 5 years.

2. chemical laboratories химические лаборатории

Practical classes in chemistry are held in the ... .

Our ... occupy large and light rooms.

Our ... are well equipped and convenient.

3. to carry out experiments проводить эксперименты

We like to ... .

Our students ... different experiments and carefully record all the


We ... to get some knowledge in practice.

  1. to attend practical classes (lectures) посещать практические

занятия (лекции)

We usually ... twice a week.

The students prefer to ... .

My friend ... but misses ... .

to occupy a large room занимать просторную комнату

Our laboratory ... .

Their lecture hall ... .

His study ... .

6. to be equipped with... быть оборудованным

Our laboratory is ... special laboratory tables.

This room ... with modern Personal Computers.

7. to study chemical and изучать химические и

physical properties of физические свойства

organic (inorganic) органических (неорганических

substances веществ

We carry out experiments in order to ... .

Sometimes it is of great importance to ... .

Students of our group know how to ... .

  1. to have its own equipment иметь своё собственное


Our laboratory has ... .

Any plant in our country ... .

Our laboratory ... and we can use it in our experiments.

to identify the properties устанавливать свойства

(of elements) (элементов)

The laboratory of inorganic chemistry is for identifying ... .

Last year we ... during the practical classes in chemistry.

It’s very interesting to ... .

10. first-year students первокурсники

We are ... .

... learn to carry out different experiments.

... have a lot of difficulties.

  1. to keep ones health поддерживать чьё-либо здоровье

People should ... their health.

Health Service of Russian Federation ... .

Results of many experiments help people to ... .

Ex.4. Active vocabulary of the text:

impossible [im`posibl] невозможный

to be held [held] быть проведённым, проводиться

various [vεəriəs] разнообразный

a member [membə] представитель, член

with great pleasure [pleзə] с большим удовольствием

to improve one’s [im pru:v] улучшать ч.л.

knowledge знания

to occupy [ okju pai] занимать

an odour [əudə] запах

to be in [fr nt] быть перед

front of ... чем-либо

write down carefully [kæfuli] записывать аккуратно

to record [ri ko:d] записывать

all the findings [faindinz] все данные

to point out [pointaut] указать, отметить

a title [taitl] название

a row of tables [rəu] ряд стульев

a vessel [vesl] сосуд

glassware [gla:swεə] стеклянная посуда

to be available [ əveilə bl] быть доступным

a test-tube [testju:b] пробирка

a funnel [fΛ nl] воронка

a flask [fla:sk] колба

a retort [rito :t] реторта

a burette [bju ret] бюретка

analytical balance [a nəlitikl bæləns] весы

a burner [bə:nə] горелка

to be at hand [ha nd] быть под рукой

to increase [in kri:s] увеличивать

impurities [im pju ritiz] примеси

to contain [kəntein] содержать

impurities примеси

determination of smth [ditə :mi neζ n ] установление чего-либо

to melt [melt] плавиться, таять

to boil [boil] кипеть

an alkali [a læ lai] щёлочь

an acid [ən æsid] кислота

to obtain [obtein] получать

juridical судебный

Ex.5. Suggest the Russian for:

the course of training; practical classes in chemistry; to be held (in); various experiments; I prefer to attend; to improve our knowledge; it is well-ventilated; to have strong and unpleasant odour; chemical and physical properties; to record all the findings; to point out the title of the experiment; to be equipped with; vessels; glassware; hydroxide of sodium; to be available; test-tubes; density; viscosity; the running water contains various impurities; funnels; flasks; to have at hand; toxicological analysis.

Ex.6. Give the English equivalents of:

курс обучения в фармвузе; практические занятия по химии; проводить различные эксперименты; химические вещества; посещать практические занятия; улучшать (совершенствовать) знания на практике; наша лаборатория занимает большую светлую комнату; сильный и неприятный запах; оборудование лаборатории; сосуды и стеклянные изделия; щёлочь; кислота; различные соли; проводить эксперименты с помощью пробирок, колб, реторт, бюреток; пипетка; микроскоп; весы; горелка; данные эксперимента; проточная вода; примеси; лаборатория судебной химии.

Ex.7. Read and translate the following text:

Соседние файлы в предмете [НЕСОРТИРОВАННОЕ]