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Text a our academy

Pyatigorsk State Pharmaceutical Academy is situated in the Stavropol region of Russia, in one of the most famous and beautiful places. Pyatigorsk State Pharmaceutical Academy is one of the oldest higher schools in our town. It was established in 1943 on the basis of the Dnepropetrovsk and Leningrad pharmaceutical institutes evacuated to Pyatigorsk during the war. In 1993 Academy obtained a certificate of the State Commitee for Higher Education of the Russian Federation. The Academy trains highly qualified pharmaceutists (chemists) who work in different parts of our country and abroad after graduating from the Academy.

About 2000 students study here, including 300 foreign students. The Academy trains specialists for 57 different countries of Asia, Africa and Latin America. There are two departments in the Academy: day department and correspondence department.

The Academy has at its disposal four hostels for students from distant towns and villages. Almost all the students get grants except those trained on the commercial basis. The course of training at the Academy lasts five years. During the first two years pharmacy students study pre-pharmaceutical subjects (inorganic chemistry, botany, mathematics, physics, biology, etc). Senior students study special pharmaceutical subjects (technology of making medicines, pharmacognozy, economy of pharmacy, etc). Experimental base of the Academy is supplied with special botanical gardens and an educational production chemist’s shop where students have practice.

At present the process of training at the Academy is undergoing certain changes. According to the needs of the national market economy some new subjects are included into the syllabus of the Academy. Nowadays the Academy trains highly qualified specialists in the field of medicine production, management, marketing.

As for exams they are held twice a year: in January and in June. After each examination session students have their vacation: in February and in July and August. Usually the students spend this time on their own but for those who prefer a rest full of new bright impressions there is a special camp. The students camp “Daut” is situated in Caucasus and its visitors can enjoy all the beauty of mountains.

Besides there are sport halls, sport grounds and swimming pool. Many sport sections function at the Academy, where students go in for sports. So, the students have all the chances to be strong and healthy, beautiful and lucky.

There are 22 chairs at the Academy. Their staff is composed of highly qualified professionals, some of them have a higher degree. The academic and research work is carried on in special laboratories supplied with modern equipment. Students of our Academy have at their disposal computer classes. The scientists together with the students carry on extensive research work using original scientific articles in foreign languages. Many scientific circles function practically at each chair. Annually the scientific conferences are held where the results of research work are reported.

Students have at their disposal big library and 2 reading halls. Books are given without charge in the library, and the students may keep them as long as they need them. So, students have all the opportunities to acquire deep knowledge of pharmacy and to become highly qualified specialists.

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