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Книги / Основи військового перекладу

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Air Force; роди військ; US Coast Guard; контр-адмірал; Chief of Naval Operations; збройні сили; Chief of Staff; сухопутні війська; Commander- in-Chief; військово-морські сили; armed service; військово-повітряні сили; Continental United States; міністерство ВМС; Central Command; міністр ВМС; Commandant of the Marine Corps; міністр ВПС; штаб; DOD.

Build up your vocabulary

a u t h o r i t y

1. влада, повноваження constitutional authority – конституційні повноваження

2. керівництво; управління (процес)

Authority flows from the President to the SECDEF – Управління здійснюється від президента до міністра оборони США

3. pl. органи (влади)

National Command Authorities – органи вищого військового керівництва


to apply to the authorities – звертатися до органів влади

4. авторитет; вплив to have authority – мати авторитет (вплив)

5. інстанція approving authority – інстанція, що дає дозвіл command authority – командна інстанція call-up authority – орган призову

Translate at sight

Збройні сили США складаються з Сухопутних військ (СВ), Військово-повітряних сил (ВПС), Військово-морських сил (ВМС), Корпусу морської піхоти (КМП), Берегової охорони, а також частин Національної гвардії і резерву. СВ, ВПС і ВМС є основними видами збройних сил США.


За конституцією верховним головнокомандувачем Збройних сил США є президент. Він здійснює загальне керівництво країною і збройними силами через Раду національної безпеки і Міністерство оборони.

На чолі Міністерства оборони США стоїть міністр оборони, який є цивільною особою. Три основних види збройних сил США – CB, ВМС і ВПС – очолюють відповідно міністри СВ, ВМС і ВПС. Фактичне командування видами ЗС США належить начальникам штабів, які входять до об’єднаного комітету начальників штабів (ОКНШ) – консультативного органу президента з військових питань. Роботу ОКНШ забезпечує об’єднаний штаб, що складається з 400 офіцерів, які пропорційно репрезентують три військових міністерства і Корпус морської піхоти США відповідно до загальної чисельності видів ЗС США. Командувач КМП не є постійним членом ОКНШ. Проте він є присутнім на засіданнях комітету у якості рівноправного члена, коли розглядаються питання, що торкаються КМП.

Translate by ear

The National Command Authorities37

The National Command Authorities (NCA), consisting of the President and the Secretary of Defense, or their authorized alternates, exercise authority over the armed forces through the combatant commanders for those forces assigned to the combatant commands and through the Secretaries of the Military Departments and the Chiefs of the Services for those forces not assigned to the combatant commands.

The ultimate authority for national defense rests with the President. The President is assisted by the National Security Council (NSC), which is the principal forum for the development of national security policy.

The Secretary of Defense is the principal adviser to the President for all matters relating to the Department of Defense and is a member of the NSC. The President and the Secretary of Defense (or their duly authorized alternates or successors) are the NCA, and they alone are vested with the lawful authority to direct the Armed Forces of the United States in the execution of military action, including the movement of forces or the initiation of operations.

37 Adapted from: Joint Publications JP 0-2 Unified Action Armed Forces (UNAAF); JP 5-0 Doctrine for Planning Joint Operations


In peacetime, the Secretary of Defense issues policy guidance for joint operation planning and reviews joint operation plans with the assistance of the Under Secretary of Defense for Policy. In crisis and war, the Secretary plays a pivotal role in crisis action planning and execution. The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff is the principal military adviser to the NCA.

Translate in writing

Збройні Сили України

Захист суверенітету і територіальної цілісності України, забезпечення її економічної та інформаційної безпеки є найважливішими функціями держави, справою всього Українського народу. Оборона України, захист її суверенітету, територіальної цілісності і недоторканності покладаються на Збройні Сили України.

Захист Вітчизни, незалежності та територіальної цілісності України, шанування її державних символів є обов’язком громадян України.

До повноважень Верховної Ради України належить затвердження загальної структури, чисельності, визначення функцій Збройних Сил України, Служби безпеки України, інших утворених відповідно до законів України військових формувань, а також Міністерства внутрішніх справ України.

Президент України є Верховним Головнокомандувачем Збройних Сил України. Він призначає на посади та звільняє з посад вище командування Збройних Сил України, інших військових формувань, здійснює керівництво у сферах національної безпеки та оборони держави, очолює Раду національної безпеки і оборони України.

Act as an interpreter

Скажіть, будь ласка, коли починається нова історія Збройних Сил України ?

The new history of the Ukrainian Armed Forces began on December 6, 1991, when the Verkhovna Rada – the parliament of Ukraine – passed the Law “On the Armed Forces of Ukraine”. That act created legal basis for the organization of the armed forces of our independent state.


А чи була необхідність приймати Закон “Про Збройні Сили України”?

Яким був склад ЗС на той час?

Яке завдання стояло перед Міністерством оборони України?

А що вдалося зробити на практиці ?

The adoption of the Law and, consecutively, a whole package of other important documents on military matters, was crucially important and timely. You know that after the disintegration of the Soviet Union and proclamation of independence in 1991, Ukraine inherited one of the largest military forces in the FSU and Europe.

The military arsenal of the force consisted of 6500 tanks, over 7000 armored combat vehicles, nearly 1500 combat aircraft, more than 1600 ICBM warheads. The military personnel totaled to 780,000 men.

Maintenance of the mammoth military force, which was created to conduct strategic offensive operations, ran counter to the peaceful foreign policy of the young Ukrainian state. Ukraine declared non-alliance status and its military doctrine was and is purely defensive. Hence, the first urgent task of the Ukrainian MOD was to optimize the organizational structure of the armed forces and other military formations, arrange the location of units according to new realities, adopt programs for the Armed Forces development.

The decision of Ukraine on non-nuclear status and unilateral neutralization of its nuclear arsenal became unprecedented. Simultaneously, the conventional weapons were reduced too. These activities were conducted openly, in accordance with international treaties and under the international verification. Thus, as far back as November 1995, Ukraine fulfilled its obligations and brought its armaments and equipment down to border limits as specified in the CFE Treaty.


Lesson 8

US DOD Organization

Active terms and expressions

Deputy Secretary of Defense перший заступник міністра оборони США (1-й ЗМО)

Under Secretary of Defense

заступник міністра оборони США



Assistant Secretary of Defense помічник міністра оборони США (ASD); Assistant to the Secretary (ПМО)

of Defense (ATSD)

Deputy Under Secretary (DUSD)

помічник ЗМО (ПЗМО)

Principal Deputy Under

головний помічник ЗМО (ГПЗМО)

Secretary (PDUSD)


General Counsel (GC)

генеральний юрисконсульт

Inspector General (IG)

генеральний інспектор

defense agency

управління МО США

DOD field activity

установа/служба МО США

Office of the Secretary of

апарат МО США



Vice Chairman of the JCS

заступник голови ОКНШ

Joint Staff (JS)

об’єднаний штаб

Director of Joint Staff

директор об’єднаного штабу

defense agencies

управління MO США

Defense Advanced Research

Управління перспективного

Projects Agency (DARPA)

планування науково-дослідних робіт



Defense Commissary Agency

Управління торгівлі (MO США)



Defense Contract Audit Agency

Управління аудиту контрактів (MO



Defense Contract Management

Управління координації контрактів

Agency (DCMA)



Defense Finance and Accounting

Управління фінансово-бухгалтерської

Service (DFAS)

служби (MO США)

Defense Information Systems

Управління інформаційних систем

Agency (DISA)


Defense Intelligence Agency

Управління розвідки (MO США)



Defense Legal Services Agency

Управління юридичних послуг (MO



Defense Logistics Agency (DLA)

Управління тилу (MO США)

Defense Security Cooperation

Управління з питань військової

Agency (DSCA)

допомоги (MO США)

Defense Security Service (DSS)

Управління служби безпеки (MO



Defense Threat Reduction

Управління з питань зменшення

Agency (DTRA)

загрози (MO США)

Missile Defense Agency (MDA)

Управління протиракетної оборони



National Imagery and Mapping

Управління національної

Agency (NIMA)

фоторозвідки та картографії (MO



National Security Agency (NSA)

Управління національної безпеки (MO



DOD field activities

установи та служби МО

American Forces Information

Служба інформації ЗС США



Defense POW/MP Office

Центр у справах військовополонених


та зниклих безвісти (MO США)

DoD Education Activity

Центр освіти (MO США)

Defense Human Resources

Центр людських ресурсів (MO США)



Office of Economic Adjustment

Центр економічного врегулювання



TRICARE Management Activity

Центр координації медичних програм



Washington Headquarters

штабні служби Вашингтона






to direct and control the armed

здійснювати управління збройними



to maintain technological

підтримувати технологічну перевагу

superiority for the US in the field

США в галузі військової техніки

of military hardware


Prepare translation of the main text

US DOD Organization


The Department of Defense (DOD) is the executive branch of the United States government created by Congress in 1949. The DOD directs and controls the armed forces and assists the President in the direction of the nation’s security.

The major subdivisions of the DOD are three military departments, the

Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD), the Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS), defense agencies, and DOD field activities. The staff of the DOD is primarily civilian. It advises and assists the Secretary in top-level management. Also at this level, the military, economic, and political elements associated with military preparedness are balanced to determine size and structure of the armed forces.


The military departments are responsible for recruiting, training and equipping their forces, but operational control of those forces is assigned to one of the Unified Combatant Commands.

Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD)

To assist the SECDEF in carrying out his multiple responsibilities, the Secretary has a Deputy Secretary, four Under Secretaries of Defense (USD), nine Assistant Secretaries of Defense (ASD), three Assistants to the Secretaries of Defense (ATSD), nine Deputy Under Secretaries (DUSD), three Principal Deputy Under Secretaries (PDUSD), the General Counsel (GC), the Inspector General (IG) and five Directors. Collectively, this group and their staffs are referred to as the Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD). OSD is comprised of about 2000 people, 1500 of whom are civilians and 500 of whom are military personnel.

The Deputy Secretary of Defense is the alter ego of the Secretary. He is responsible for coordination and supervision of the Department as directed by the Secretary. Normally the SECDEF delegates a great deal of his authority to the Deputy. The number two man can issue directives to all the subunits of governmental agencies, and to international bodies in the name of the Secretary.


The Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) are composed of six military officers: Chairman of the JCS (CJCS), Vice Chairman JCS, CSUSA, CSUSAF, CNO, Commandant of the USMC. The Chairman of the JCS is a member of one of the armed services but during his tenure on the JCS has no service responsibilities. All of the joint chiefs are appointed by the President subject to Senate confirmation. The service chiefs are appointed for a fixed nonrenewable term of four years. The Chairman is appointed for a two-year term, and, except in wartime, can only be reappointed once.

The JCS are assisted in the exercise of their functions by the Joint Staff (JS) and the other groups which support the JCS but are not part of the JS. The Joint Staff is headed by a Director and divided into eight departments: J-1 (Manpower & Personnel), J-2 (Intelligence), J-3 (Operations), J-4 (Logistics), J-5 (Strategic Plans and Policy), J-6 (C4), J-7 (Operational Plans & Interoperability), J-8 (Force Structure, Resources & Assessment). The Director of the Joint Staff is a three-star general or admiral appointed for a two-year term by the Chairman with the approval of the Secretary of Defense and the other members of the JCS.


Defense Agencies

At the present time there are 15 organizations or groups within DOD which have the status of defense agencies. These organizations perform functions which are common to or cut across departmental lines. There are no specific restrictions on the number or functions of these organizations. The SECDEF has the power to disestablish or disband such agencies.

The purpose of the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) is to maintain technological superiority for the US in the field of military hardware. After DARPA has explored a concept and determined it to be feasible, control of the project is turned over to the department or agency most directly concerned.

The Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) manages all of the defense intelligence programs and provides intelligence support to the SECDEF and the JCS. DIA relies upon the resources of the armed services for intelligence collection and supervises the development of intelligence by the services to meet their own particular needs.

The role of the Defense Contract Audit Agency (DCAA) is to perform all the required contract auditing for the DOD and to provide accounting and financial advisory service regarding defense contracts to the DOD components which have responsibility for procurement and contract administration.

The Defense Security Cooperation Agency (DSCA) was established to provide greater emphasis to the management and control of such aid programs as military assistance and foreign military sales (FMS).

The Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) provides supply and service support for items common to all services; this includes procurement of materiel, operation of a wholesale distribution system, and surplus-disposal programs.

The Defense Contract Management Agency (DCMA) is the DOD component that works directly with defense suppliers to help ensure that DOD, Federal, and allied government supplies and services are delivered on time, at projected cost, and meet all performance requirements.

The Defense Finance and Accounting Service (DFAS) was established to provide responsive, professional finance and accounting services for the people who defend America.

The Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA) is a combat support agency responsible for planning, developing, fielding, operating, and supporting command, control, communications, and information (C3I) systems that serve the needs of the President, Vice President, the SECDEF, the JCS, the Unified Combatant Commanders, and the other DOD Components under all conditions of peace and war.


The Defense Legal Services Agency (DLSA) is a DOD agency that provides legal advice and services for the Defense Agencies, DOD Field Activities, and other assigned organizations.

The Defense Security Service (DSS) makes its contribution to the National Security Community by conducting personnel security investigations and providing industrial security products and services, as well as offering comprehensive security education and training to DOD and other government entities.

The Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) safeguards

America’s interests from weapons of mass destruction (chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear and high explosives) by controlling and reducing the threat and providing quality tools and services for the warfighter.

The mission of the Missile Defense Agency (MDA) is to develop, test and prepare for deployment a missile defense system.

The National Imagery and Mapping Agency (NIMA) provides timely, relevant, and accurate geospatial intelligence in support of national security.

The National Security Agency (NSA) is the nation’s cryptologic organization. It coordinates, directs, and performs highly specialized activities to protect U.S. information systems and produce foreign intelligence information. NSA is also one of the most important centers of foreign language analysis and research within the Government.

DOD Field Activities

Currently there are seven organizations or groups within the Defense Department under the name of DOD field activities. These organizations perform functions which are common to the US Armed Forces. Heads of the field activities are subordinate to the ASD’s, DUSD and Director

Administration and Management.

Answer the questions

1.Who assists the SECDEF in carrying out his responsibilities?

2.How many people is the OSD comprised of?

3.What are the duties of the JCS?

4.How many ASD’s and ATSD’s are there in the OSD?

5.What is the composition of the JCS?

6.How many organizations have the status of defense agencies?

7.What is the mission of the National Security Agency?

8.What are the missions of the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency?